Wolf-Napped By My Mates (15)

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~ Steve's POV ~

"Dammit Sage!" I slam my fist on the hood of the car. Mark was there trying to calm me down.

"Steve calm down, babe. We need to get Ken home first." He rubbed his hand along my forearm in comfort and it calmed me down just a little.

What do they want with Spade? Did she get caught?

My head was spinning with questions and the possibilities of what could happen. Mark was trying to get Ken in the car but he was crying for Spade and about how he wanted to wait for her.

If only i could-

Oh shit, of course she has her phone on her does she not?

Whipping my phone out my pocket i punched in her number and listening as the once rang.




"Hello?" A powerful voice rumbled on the other side of the phone.

"Wheres Sage?" I demanded

"Who is this?" He now demanded,

"Lucas give the damn phone." Said another voice. There were a few shuffling and sounds of flesh against flesh.

"She going home with us." Said the same voice that told Lucas to had over the phone.

Lucas. Lucas. Why does it sounds familiar.

"Are you Markus BlackThorn?" I asked, finally understanding about who took her. The twin brothers, Crown to the Throne of all Alphas but they were to wait till they found their mate. "Why do you both have Sage?"

"She's our mate and who might you be?"

"No one of your concern till i come and get her." He growled dangerously on the other end.

"I will kill you before you could even touch her."

"You can try to keep me away from me but in the end you just might leave her also like Rick." I said hanging up.

Mark cast worried glances my way telling me he heard everything that we said.

I walked up to him and pulled him into my embrace. "Dont worry i wont be doing much. Im just getting her back, Mark."

"Why is she soo important?" Mark asked to my chest.

Not wanting to lie anymore i lean down. "Because she isnt Sage but Spade."

Mark pushes me away from him looking at me with frightened eyes. I tried walking to Mark but he flinches as i touched his shoulder.

"Please dont kill me." He squeaked under his breath. I flinched at that and pulled my hand away before moving back a few feet away from Mark.

"Mark." He looked up at me tears forming in his eyes, breaking my heart. "here." I threw the car keys to him and he caught it. "Go. I understand if you dont want me but i want to tell you i love you."

I turned around and walked away, tear sliding down my cheek and i also could hear Mark's cries follow after me.

We, Spade and I, are unwanted, left behind, and broken but was mostly used by our loved ones.

Hopefully you'll come to accept me eventually.

I Love You.

So I'll be waiting for you to love me once again.

Good Bye Mark and be Safe at least for me.


Ehhhh i think this one is stupid.

Im sorry (/.\)

Smh at myself.

But i really hoped you enjoyed it!

Even tho it sucks............

Thanks for Reading!


Wolf-Napped By My Mates (EDITING)- On HoldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora