Chapter 11: Visitors

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Thank you Kanachi108 for this idea!
As I head back to my dorm, I hear some talking from around a corner. I sneak up and peek to see who it is. I notice Kaname and the Headmaster talking about some 'new students' who were coming to check out the place and see if this is the right place for them. I slip away from them, though intrigued, and later I go to the gates to investigate.

It seemed like I waited forever, hiding in a tree and watching as Yuuki waited by the gate to introduce them. Suddenly, the gates creaked, and Yuuki jumped slightly but turned to greet them.

I recognized them immediately. One boy with pure white hair, an eyepatch and black suit thing. The other a girl, with short purple hair covering one eye, and a school uniform from her old school. I knew their names, Kaneki Ken and Touka Kirishema. I worked with them for the short amount of time I was at Anteiku, but I hated it there. I can never trust another ghoul.

I stayed in the trees as I watched Yuuki explain to them the layout of the school. Kaneki nods, and Touka looks around. I knew they could sense me here, but I needed to see this whole thing.

The rest of the day I followed them around, staying hidden so nobody could see me. They did normal things, nothing out of the ordinary. Yuuki showed them around, pointing and explaining each building. It was kinda annoying, but of course there was nothing I could do about it.

Finally, they came to the moon dorm. I know that Kaneki and Touka could sense something there. I could when I first came here. It was then I decided to come out, acting like I was just walking out of the Moon dorm but really I have been following them all day.

"Natsuki!" Kaneki brightens up. He runs over to greet me, but I take a slight step back, looking down at the ground.

"Where have you been?!" Touka yells at me, walking over to me and violently picking me up by my collar. I glare down at her and smirk.

"Everywhere, and nowhere," I reply, and I notice Yuuki standing behind them with wide eyes.

"Uhm, you know these people?" Yuuki asks as Touka puts me down.

"Mmhm, I worked with them....a while ago. I should be going now," I say, turning to leave. Suddenly, Kaneki grabs my wrist, and I swiftly jerk it away.

"Why did you leave?" Kaneki asks, I knew they wouldn't let me leave.

"Because, you can never trust another ghoul. I have lived by that my whole life, and I'm not putting that down to the likes of you," I swiftly reply, turning around and walking back to the dorms leaving them in shock. I wasn't turning back this time.

I do glance back, only to see Yuuki standing in confusion as Touka explained something to her, and Kaneki glancing around. I meet his gaze one final time before turning my head back and walking through the doors.

That definitely could've gone better.

As soon as I walk though the doors, I bump into Senri Shiki and Rima Tohya.

"Hey, who is that?" Rima asks.

"Oh, some...people who are touring the academy," I reply quickly.

"Hmm, I seems like you know them," Senri points out, and I give a slight nod in return.

"I used to work with them, but now I don't. I'm going to my dorm," I say, and walk away down the halls leaving them confused, and I hear a slight crunch of pocky.

I was hoping to just get to my dorm without running into someone, but of course, with my luck I bumped into Aido of all people.

"Hey, did you see the two people touring the school?" He asks.

"Yeah," I grunt in reply.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Why would you care?  I'm just another ghoul to you!" I snap at him, and storm away.

I have no idea why I was acting like this. Was it Touka and Kaneki? Or was it something else? I immediately regret snapping at him, but I can't take back my words now, and he probably hates me.

Hello reader-chan!~

Sorry this chapter was kinda short, but at least you won't kill me

That's all I really need to say :P


~Olivia <3~

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