3 thousand years ago.....

"Apollo can you stop pestering for just one second in your life?" I groaned, walking through the forest.

"Sis I'm immortal, so I don't know the definition of "a second"' he replied, trailing behind me. "Anyway, back to the point, will you please come with me to the party? I mean it occurs every 200 years. Rare occasions should be taken seriously you know?"

"Shut up already!" I turned around and snapped at him. "All you want is to hook me up with a male. I know your old plot with Aphrodite Apollo. Don't expect me to fall for it"

"That's a bonus" he scratched the back of his head, darting his eyes around but directly at me. "Anyway Aphrodite and me have been planning on this party for months now. Don't you want the surprises I've prepared for you?"

"Yeah "surprises. I'm so excited"' I rolled my eyes.

"I mean it's been a millennium. At least you should consider about the opposite sex right? Mortal, immortal, primordial. Is there a single person that you actually have an eye on?"

"Blah blah blah" I rolled my eyes at the sky. "All you want is to tease me the moment I decide to break my oath."

Suddenly, the idiot ran up to me and turned me to face him sharply. The serious look on his face took me off guard for a second.

"I'm doing this for you sis" he said with a strange tone that I never heard before. "I don't want you to turn into a sassy old stormy lady that only knows kill and kill. Sometimes what you hate is what that brings you happiness sister. I don't have a father and a mother to share my love. All I have is you sis and if you're gonna be here and blabbing in about your stupid oath. Then I'm just gonna keep pestering you."

His words made my eyes sting a little. All I wanted at the moment was to hug the annoying brother of mine. Damn you Apollo, why sometimes you have to make things emotional.

I averted my gaze from his eyes and sighed.

"Fine. If you want me to be with someone, then I must make him special right?"

I walked around in circle, tapping my lips and think of an impossible male that would never exist in this word. Something that's not too perfect and the perfection and speciality of that person must be acquired, not simply make it to appear. That suitor can only be a mortal.

"Hah" an idea came to me. "I promise you I'll fall for the person that must be a mortal because immortals can simply achieve my requirements easily. He also must be strong and honest. He must be respectful, especially to women and finally, he must deny godhood if it's ever offered to him or at least does not labour the desire to become a god. If that person can have these standards, he'll be my suitor."

"Sis" Apollo closed his eyes and sighed. "Be respectful, strong and honest is easy. But asking a mortal to deny godhood? That's impossible! They would die just to be a citizen on Olympus. Taking about being a god."

"I don't care. If there isn't a person that can reach the potential. Then I'm not gonna accept anyone, no matter how perfect he can be."


The flashback was like cold water splattered on my face. I was stunned, completely stunned. I turned to look at Perseus, whom was inspecting the walls and the escape route above us. Is this the line the Fates have been drawing for me. So my destiny is with this male. Oh Chaos, I thought you were kind and generous. Why did you set me up with the person I hate most right now. On top of it, my 'destined' suitor has to be a complete air head. You could have given a dude with a brain but no, I've to stuck with a dirt-filled head for a life.

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