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As a junior high student...

I think it's a pretty troublesome year.

I stared at TOP, full of hatred while he is smirking at me with delightness.

I guess this is his little revenge to me after I nominated him as the class president.


I will accept any kind of punishment, but I think he is crossing the lines with this one.

"Both of you must get along well with each other and fill up the class diary. I will not accept it if it's not written by both of you together." TOP said to us demandingly.

Seriously, He is the most annoying guy I've ever known.

I looked at the girl who is listening to him attentively.

Sandara Park

The quiet girl in the class

I sighed.

"Must it really be two person to write this f****n diary? Wouldn't it be more effective if we write it individually? Why do I even have to be paired up with a girl?!" I asked him full of rage while gritting my teeth.

"Jiyong... the girls in the class are spreading a rumor that you and Taeyang are hooking up..." TOP said to me with a smirk.

My eyes widen. I think the vein in my temple would pop out any moment from now. "What the F**K?!!! How is that even possible?!!! That is no fuc****n way!!!!" I said to him defensively. I'm not HOMO! (Not a racist)

TOP answered me with a chuckle.

"What the Hell is that?!! GIRLS are so FU****n ANNOYING!!!" I blurt out.

TOP just stared at me. "I think that attitude of yours needs to change." He responded

Someone cleared their voice.

I look at the girl beside me since I think it's coming from her.

She looks at TOP creepily.

"th....yoo... ..." I think I'm getting goosebumps...

She talks so softly that her nose can barely hear her words.

"Dara shii... Im sorry but I really can't hear you, could you say it louder?" TOP told her gently.

I almost snorted. This guy is always a ladies man.

"I-ill d-do m-my best." She told him with her soft voice. It almost sounds angelic to me.

I stared at her. No one actually gives her attention. It's not that she's plain.

A lot of guys are attracted to her when she first transferred.

I guess she just wants to be alone, and eventually the guys stopped trying.

What did they even saw on her?

Yes she's pretty but... I don't know.

I don't really know her yet, no one knows her yet.

"Jiyong! Don't stare too much, she might melt." TOP said to me with a smile.

"SHUT UP." I replied

"Do your best then, especially you Jiyong, you have to strive harder... even though your scared of girls." TOP said with a smirk.

"I'm not SCARED of GIRLS!!!"I shouted.

I look at Dara and I almost drown with her beautiful eyes.

Wait, did I just say her eyes are beautiful?


That's totally wrong.

I hate girls.



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