"Okay, then why don't you suggest something?" he says. I pucker my lips and pretend to think for several seconds. But I already know what I want. I want a piece of truth so I can rub it in my face and calm down already.

"If the Principal doesn't buy the lie, I'll buy you a honey-mayo and cheddar cheese burger," I tell him, he cringes and gulps when I talk about the burger. I can't understand why anyone won't like this combination. It's heavenly, not even kidding.

"Ok," he says with a sour face. I almost giggle.

"But if I win this bet, which I know I would, you...will tell me the most secretive thing about you. One thing that no one else knows," I offer a vague description of what I really want to know, but honestly, anything would work. Any insight into his mind will be an accomplishment. He frowns and his mouth puckers slightly on its own. It gets warm in my belly, I take a deep breath in and keep my eyes from performing a weird flutter.

"Why would I tell you something I haven't told anyone else?" he asks.

"Because I put my life in danger for you," I say with a laugh, "they'll kick me out of school if you get in any serious trouble," I tell him. He sighs and I watch his shoulders slump. "So, do we have ourselves a deal?" I ask him, raising my palm up for a high-five, and secretly hoping doesn't turn out as hopelessly flop as the fist bump did last time.

"What kind of a deal are we talking about?" asks Thea, her usually grumpy face fills up with life creepily, when her eyes scan Levan. It's the face I'm most afraid of, where your eyes say freak, and your smile says welcome. "Hi Levan!" she chimes, lifting a shoulder. Levan is forced to force a smile. God, he's so awkward, I love it.

"Hi," he says and steals his gaze away instantly.

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Athena Breeland, by the way," Levan's brows shoot up and then he nods slowly. I know it's weird, but I'm enjoying watching him act all awkward, it baffles me. What would he be like when he opens up to me, to the town, to the world, to the universe? But the question is whether he'll open up at all, whether he'll open up to himself.

"Nice to meet you too," he says, scratching the back of his neck before he looks away again.

"So, what's the deal?" asks Athena.

"It's personal, we can't tell," I tell her and shrug.

"Aw, Ten. Are you about to sell drugs to Loser Levan?" comments Todd, as he walks toward us. Levan's face blanches. I cross my arms over my chest, shoot him the bitch face and then force a smile. He should retreat to the hills and take shelter, because I'm sure I'm about to start firing.

Todd Bedford, you need a day locked inside the Janitor's closet with lizards the size of your face and rats the size of your foot, and then we'll all know who the loser is, I grin just by the thought of it.

"Todd, you have an entire life to be a jerk, why don't take an off today? We all know who the loser is here, so if you or you posse have any more opinions, please do write them down and shove 'em up your ass," I tell Todd, throwing my bag on the only empty seat, making it even clearer that he isn't welcomed, if he's still under the false impression that he somehow is.

"It's alright, Ten..." murmurs Levan as he stands up and picks up his bag, "I've gotta leave anyway." He doesn't even look at me before he walks away, leaving me gaping, Todd rampant, and Thea choking on her Diet Pepsi.


"Shit!" I grab my right foot and hop on one leg. Kicking your car because it just broke down isn't a good idea. But of course, I couldn't think twice before kicking it in the butt, and now I might have to amputate my foot. "Bloody Mother of God!" I groan under my breath as I set my foot back on the ground. It rings with pain.

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