Chapter 10

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Amber POV

Its been two weeks after the recital. We resumed our tutoring sessions but this time, in different subjects where the girls are personally having a hard time. We went to the park every Sunday together with the Krystal, Sulli, Suzy and Luna. Of course Henry too and Jion. Mrs. Liu had a change of heart when Sulli asked if Jion could join us. He never told his husband that she was playing with me and had instructed the guards to keep it a secret. I consider Henry and Jion as my little brother and sister already. Oh, I met Kris hyung too.


I went to the source of commotion and found a man who was being surrounded by some thugs.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I approached them

"None of your business kid" I looked at the man they're surrounding. he looked at me helplessly

"It is my business when you're messing with my brother" I lied

"Brother eh, I'll show you how to treat one" They charged at me but to their surprise I can fight them off. After dealing with them, I took him to the café.

"Thanks for helping. And I'm Kris" I shook his hand.

"Its no problem. I'm Amber Liu. Though, why are you here in the middle of the night?" I asked while serving him his coffee.

"You're a girl?! I was about to go home when they came at me"

"Yep! Well next time, don't walk here at 12 midnight. That is when they come out"

"Thanks, but how about you? You're out like me? How did you learn to fight like that?"

"I work here and I learned since I was young" And that was when we started our friendship.

End of flashback

"Am! Is Kris coming here?" Suzy asked

"Nope, sorry. He said he's going somewhere. Suzy looked dejected.

"Oh, Okay." She sat back and talked to Sulli and I went to play with the kids who were with Krystal. I never thought she likes kids.

"I never thought you're good with kids" I accidentally blurted

"I have a niece." She stated

"Really?" Yul Hyung did not tell me. I have to edit the song so I can include the girl

"Yeah. Why are you so surprised?" she quirked her eyebrow which I somehow find cute

"I never saw you play with them. It's the first time" I said while scratching the back of my neck. We continued to play with them when she suddenly asked me.

"Do you wanna join us in the recital?"

"I don't know, I already have a song ready. Can you maybe sing it with me? For your brother-in-law and sister. I heard they were getting married" No one knows about the favor Yul hyung asked me.

"Sure! I'll tell the girls since we haven't started to write our song. its nice I can sing for my sister since two weeks from now, they're getting married."

"Okay, we'll talk about it tomorrow in the café."

"Hyung, you said I can sing with you." He asked while pouting.

"I have the song ready Hen"

"How about me?" This time it was Jion

"No worries, I'll talk to Miss Kim to collaborate with your class okay?"

"Yeah!" They were singing happily and dancing around.

Krystal POv

Yesterday was relaxing and fun. The girls said we should do it as a weekly routine but I think they love Amber's cooking who cooked pasta dishes. We laughed and played with Henry and Jion. I wonder if Amber had siblings since she always worry about them even if the smallest things or just because she grew up in the orphanage. She never mentioned her family. Kai has been pestering me about the bet and if I was the same Krystal months ago, I wouldn't feel guilty. But right now, I do. I care about her. Maybe I am having a crush. I told Sulli about it and she told me to stop the bet. I told her that I did and I am sincere when I told her I am having crush on Amber. I know that Sul and Amber are closer and Sul doesn't want to me to hurt her since she considers her best friend and of course, Henry is attached to her. I've been making excuses to Kai, but when I saw the bruises he left on Amber, I can't tell him to stop. He might ask me why and I can't tell him about growing feelings on Amber, afraid he might hurt her more.

We are currently at Amber's apartment. They moved out a week ago to a bigger apartment. I dunno how she can afford it but she said, she quit her job at the bar and she had been writing songs for some singers whom she kept as a secret. And the songs she had sang already was the provided demo she had given. It paid her a bigger salary, no wonder she could now afford it and Fany unnie said, Amber had invested already to expand the café and bought the first floor building beside the café to make it a restaurant. She had been working hard that she had eyebags visible already. Haish, this crush seems to be getting in my nerves. I thought she had a crush on me? Was Kai lying?

"Krystal, you want anything?" Grandma asked.

"No, Gran. Thanks though" She smiled at me left us with snacks anyway. Grandma and Grandpa had a lot of stories about Amber. We listened to them when we brought Amber from the hospital. The only thing they didn't tell us was anything related to her family. They said that only Amber can tell us.

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