chapter no.1

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This is the story of a middle class girl Riya Chaudhary and a high class boy Ashwin Narlikar.

Riya was a middle class pretty girl. She was traditional, sweet and with a care for everyone. She had an amazing family and friends who always loved and supported her in every thing she did.

She was 18, When she decided to be a interior designer. She had passion in her eyes. She loved colours. Colours made her life.

She had a boyfriend, Akash. They both were happy . Until Riya saw him kisssing a girl.

She was broken. Totally. She didn't knew what to do because she had planned her life with him ahead.

She sat in a park. Cried for what felt like hours. She decided to be strong and never let anyone take her down.

With a new pride she walked from the park. life always fair?

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