Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lily's POV

"Hey Lew" I greeted the bartender as I slid onto one of the seats in front of the counter. Lew came over.

"Hey Lily, what can I get you today?" He asked.

"My usual," then Jim came over and sat down on the seat next to mine. "And his usual too." I added. Lew nodded and went to get our drinks.

"Who's Lew?" He asks after a few minutes of silence.

"You know him." I said

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do. He's the guy who doesn't kick you out after your fights."

"Oh, I've been wondering why he does that."

"He's a friend. And because, I work here every now and then to pay for the damages that you caused in your fights." I said sternly.

"You fight too."

"Only to save your sorry butt." I sighed. "Why do you fight so many people, Jim?"

"Because I know you're there to watch out for me, or as you put it 'to save my sorry butt'." Jim said. It touched my heart, when he said that.

"But I'm not always going to be there James." I said sternly. I really need to tell him about Starfleet.

"What do you mean?" He caught on that I called him James.

Before I could reply, people came into the bar. A massive amount of people, all wearing a red uniform. Starfleet. Soon I was going to be one of them. I turned back to Jim. His attention was on a table, upon which a group of female Starfleet cadets were sitting.

"Go ahead." I told him. He raised his an eyebrow. "It's okay. We'll talk later." He nodded and went over to them.

Just as he left Lew came over with our drinks. "That took you awhile." I said.

"Have you told him?" He ignored my jab and went straight to interrogation. We both looked over at Jim, who was smiling and being flirty with one of the cadets. I turned to Lew.

"No, but I'm going to soon." I added as Lew gave me a glare.

"Lily, you have tell him. You're leaving in the morning." Lew said. I sighed again.

"I know. I know. I'm going to tell him soon." I told him.

I know it's not natural to tell your friend first then your brother that you're leaving, but I never actually knew how to tell Jim. Well, that and Lew is my boss and closest friend. And I do have other friends, I just talk more to Lew than the others.

Jim then came back and reclaimed his seat. He slumped in his seat and placed his head on the wooden counter. Lew left, but not before giving me the You better tell him now before I do look. Yeah, his looks are very specific.

"So I'm guessing another no." He didn't reply. I wasn't too keen on starting up our previous conversation (even with Lew's threat), and it seemed that Jim had, either, forgotten or just doesn't want to talk. So I let it be.

We sat in silence. I was mostly thinking, with my head in between my hands, of ways to tell him. If I wasn't able to tell Jim before I left in the morning then I'd tell him when I arrived where ever I arrived. But I'd rather tell him in person, I owe him that much.

My brother moved. He was looking over at a cadet who was ordering drinks to Lew. She was loud. I guess she had to be in order to be heard over the music and talking.

Jim opened his big mouth. "That's a lot of drinks for one woman."

"And a shot of Jack, straight up." The lady added to her order.

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