"You're very good at that," Harry panted, winking.

"I should record the noises you make. They're more beautiful than half the songs on iTunes these days," Louis winked, wrapping his arms around Harry and burying his face into Harry's chest.

"Stopppp," Harry whined, "you're making me blush."

"We should clean up the mess you made," Louis suggested, fishing for a roll of Bounty. He poured some water on it and wiped Harry's thighs as well as the blankets under him.

"Lay here with me," Harry pleaded, "please.."

"I have footie in 15," Louis frowned.

"Just stay for a bit, my sexy, precious boyfriend?"

"Can't say no to that," Louis jumped back on to the bed, climbing practically on top of Harry. Harry didn't mind. He knew that Louis was aware of his boundaries and where he could touch Harry.


(I'm warning you guys right now, the rest of this is very, very triggering if you're a self harmer.)

Harry heard the shower running in his dorm when he unlocked the door.

"M'back Zayn!" Harry threw his books onto his bed, his shoulders aching from the overwhelming weight of them. He opened his box for a pen and an extra sheet of paper to do his grueling studying. Months ago, Harry would've never referred to studying as grueling because there wasn't anything else he'd rather be doing. But now, since he had a couple more friends and a boyfriend who liked him despite his issues made him want to hang out with them more. It was odd for Harry and he'd never get used to it.

"Harry, get me a bar of soap please?" Zayn hollered. Harry admired how Zayn was perfectly fine with leaving the curtains half open and the door wide open when he showered. If it was Harry, he'd lock the door, close the curtain, and blast music on his phone so Zayn wouldn't see or hear him at all.

Harry walked in and tossed Zayn the soap. "You forgot to get a towel," Harry noticed.

"Yeah toss me one of those too?"

"Okay, master," Harry rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Shut up mate, you love me."

"That I do Zaynie." Harry chucked him a towel and walked out. His iPhone vibrated in his pocket, the obnoxious Marimba ringtone that he had not yet changed blaring and driving him crazy. He smiled when he saw his mom's face on the screen though.

"Mummy!" He laughed, "Miss you."

"Harry I miss you so much, darling. And Gems says hi by the way! So does your kitty Dusty."

"Dusty's not a kitty anymore mummy," Harry scoffed.

"But she's our kitty. So how is that precious boyfriend of yours?"

Harry blushed, trying not to grin.

"Son, I can hear your blush. How is Louis?"

"Mu-um," Harry groaned.

"I want to know about the boy who's got my baby's boxers in a twist!"

"He's awesome, mummy."

"I need to meet this boy," Anne laughed, "I want to meet him. Take a break sometime, bring him here for a visit. You both can sleep in your old room upstairs! Gemma would love to meet him too, and Rich can meet him.. We all miss you!"

Harry's heart thumped loudly when he heard the word 'Rich'. He gulped away the lump in his throat that left him unable to even speak. The only reason he never visited his mom was because of Rich.

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