Chapter 2

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I scream in frustration as Cato beats me in sparring - once again. It should come as no surprise to me, as he is a year older than me, and much heavier than me.  Cato smirks as he puts out a hand to help me off of the ground. 

"You know Clover, that's the most emotion I've seen you express in a long time," Cato jokes and throws in a wink.

"Oh shut it," I shoot back, but let a ghost of a smile onto my lips to let him know I'm not exactly serious. Though it shocks Val to no end, Cato always finds a way to pull me out of my 'moods'. I suppose after you've been training. partners with someone for five years, they can grow on you. But I frown at that thought. I will not let him grow on me. Going into the Games with people waiting for you just adds extra baggage, whether it is romantic or just friendly. And that baggage is not a fate I'd wish to sic on Cato or myself. He is going into the Games as a volunteer in the 74th Hunger Games, an event which is coming particularly fast. I have no doubts that Cato will win his Games easily, being his training partner is no easy task. He is much stronger than me, taller and heavier, with more brute strength as well. I am not small, but rather average as I stand at 5'4 and weigh 115 pounds. I don't know Cato's exact weight, but he is 6'2 and probably weighs over 200 pounds. 

"One more round of sparring and then you all can go eat lunch." Val barks at us. "And this time Clove, try not to give up as much ground, and you know try to win."

This comment causes my blood to boil, but I am determined to maintain my calm demeanor. An emotional Career is a sponsorless Career. At least, someone of my stature. Cato gets away with fits of anger without major scolding, which is infuriating. 

We take our positions inside the red circle. As soon as Val declares the start of the match, Cato is barreling towards me. When he gets close enough to throw a punch, he does so, leaving me to duck at the last moment. While he is adjusting his stance for another punch, I take note and send a quick kick into his knees. They immediately collapse, leaving Cato on the ground, his face a furious shade of red. He sweeps my legs out of me, and not seeing this move coming, the air is knocked out of me. Cato takes the time I am using to regain my air as valuable time to pin me down. I may be faster and smaller than Cato, but there is no way I can get out from under him unless I think up a clever idea. 

"Clove!" Val shouts. "You would be dead in the arena, taking your time waiting instead of attacking." 

This comment of his fills me with indignation, I can't help it that Cato is pinning me down easily! I use this surge of adrenaline to punch Cato in the face as he is looking back towards me. He groans in pain, and removes his hands from keeping my wrists down to pinching his gushing nose. I swiftly reverse our positions, with myself on top now. 

"If you wanted to be on top Clover, you could just ask..." Cato said, smirking. I growl at his use of my nickname and his stupid innuendo, and knee him in the groin. While he is writhing in pain from my shot to his nether regions, I firmly grasp his neck in both hands. 

"Have I won now?" I question Val, pride filling me. 

His brow furrows and he speaks, "Well, technically, however the techniques you used were wrong and extremely unorthodox, people will think you've never undergone any training whatsoever!" 

"But Cato, oh he's always perfect, his form is never wrong and he will win no matter what!" I exclaim. "All you ever do is criticize! If you want someone to get better, you TRAIN them, it's your job for Pete's sake!" I cry, leaping off Cato and into my trainer's face.

"Clove," he says, deathly calm. "This is far too much emotion for one day. You are dismissed, and I highly encourage you to examine your actions, that is final." He takes a glance at Cato, "Get yourself cleaned up, you're done for the day too." He marches off to who knows where, leaving Cato who has stopped his nosebleed and me, fuming. As Cato leaves for the bathroom, he doesn't speak to me, and I am left alone. It's far too late for any other trainees to be here, we are usually the most committed. I kick a spare block left out from tumbling and let out a scream of rage. 

I pull myself together and stalk towards the knife range. I smile to myself and begin my practice. I'm nine knives in when I notice Cato watching me throw. I look at him questioningly and he points towards the range to indicate for me to continue. I do as he asks, but still feel his gaze one me. I let out more frustration as I let another knife fly into the center of the bullseye. 

"There she is," Cato murmurs quietly, "the girl who never misses. I pity the poor fools who will have to go in the arena with you. " I feel my heart flutter at his compliment, and I try to force it to stop. These feelings will only ruin you, I tell myself. 

"Show me what you've got." I tell Cato, silently challenging him to show me up. He walks over to the sword training dummies, and proceeds to rip the to shreds. "There he is, the ruthless killing machine." I say, a small smile gracing my lips. I hate myself immediately for this, as I should never show any emotion. I've been trained for this. Again I feel Cato's eyes on me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask, genuinely puzzled as I see him examining my face, as if he wants to save a picture to treasure it. 

He shakes his head and snaps out of his stupor. "I can help you with some sparring moves, if you'd want." He says, a grin forming on his face.


An hour later, I am drenched in sweat, and I can tell Cato is struggling to catch his breath. "I think you've got it now," He wheezes. I nod tiredly, and slump towards the ground. 

"Thanks," I spit out between breaths. I let my eyes droop shut and pry them open again.And for the third time today, I catch Cato shooting furtive glances at me. "What?" I ask, more forcefully this time.

"You look gorgeous right now," He says quickly. 

"I'm sorry?" I ask, startled even though I know exactly what he said.

"You know what I said, forget it." He snaps.

I can't help the flutter in my chest at his words and tell myself he's just a boy, and not to form attachments, for the sake of both of us. 

"I know what you said, I'm just wondering why you would say it. To me of all people..." I say, not intending for him to hear the last part. But, of course he does, and he frowns even deeper.

"Forget I said anything, you wouldn't understand."

"Understand why you would say something like that to me, of all people, when you have a helpless gaggle of girls at your disposal? No, I can't imagine why I wouldn't understand." I shoot back. 

Suddenly Cato is up in my face, my head cupped in his warm hands. He leans down to kiss me and I reach up to his lips as well. After a moment of the warm, wonderful kiss, I break it, startled.  "We can't do this Cato! You are going into the arena soon, I can't let you be burdened by our relationship."

His eyes harden. "You think I don't know that? God Clover, sometimes you're really dense." I look at him, still not getting it. "I like you Clove," He says and I feel my heart rip into two. One half that wants nothing more than to reach up to his face and pull him back into the kiss, and the other one shouting at me to push him away. Eventually the more emotional side of me wins out, and I find myself lip locked with my training partner once more.

"Well this is certainly interesting." A familiar voice says, and we quickly pull away to look at the intruder. 


Yay, cliffhanger! Here's some Clato for my family. This was so hard to write, as I want to maintain their ruthless personalities and also get them started on a relationship. Don't forget to share with the rest of the Clato shippers, and always remember, we MUST sink the Glato ship!


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