Chapter 1~The Beginning

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     It was about 305 years ago. "Yeah I know a long time." As I was saying 305 years ago. I had woken up in a burnt down forest it was dark. As I got up from where I was laying I had tripped over something.I couldn't tell what it was probably a rock or something. I didn't know who I was or what I was meant to do. All I knew was what my name was, Katra( cat-er-uh) Shimmers. How did I know the moon told me. It was odd not knowing what to do and I didn't know why no one could see me I was clear as day. 

     One day I was walking down the streets and saw one of pitches nightmares. I got furious over the sight of a kid having nightmares my hands started flaring up and I through a fire ball at it. It turned into a whole bunch of black sand. I had know idea what had happened or how i never new I could do that, it was like a reflex or something. I was pretty freaked out after that.

     Then i walked over to a near by forest and tried it again just for fun and to see if I could do it again. nothing happened. i tried again and again and again still nothing. I just decided to give up because it wouldn't work. I started walking off and snapped my fingers to a beat of a song, and at the corner i saw a light flicker. I lifted my had up a snapped my fingers again. I flinched back so I wouldn't burn myself. I thought to my self " maybe I was just trying to hard?"

     I went to a little town called Burgess. I think? To go and find some nightmares. Right when I got there it started to snow. It was so pretty it looked like little crystals falling from the sky. I loved trying to catch snow onto my tongue. I heard laughing near by and wanted to go see the little kids playing because there so adorable! Yep I was right they were all so adorable and then there was an older guy. He looked as if he were my age.

But something didn't seem right. It seemed as if they couldn't see him or they were just ignoring him. Then I saw a little boy run right through him. I gasped because I remember that that same thing happened to me. I didn't know there were others like me, well... besides Santa, tooth fairy, sandman, and the Easter Bunny but they were believed in and kids could see them.

     I wondered if he could see me. Probably not, so I walked over to him to get a better glace at him. He was quite handsome up close, " he was a bit taller than me, but just by a little, he had snow white hair, he was warring brown pants and a blue hoodie, he had really pale skin." I couldn't see what eye color he had.

     I didn't want to be weird or anything, but I walked right of him and stared into his eyes. They were mesmerizing. he looked very confused he looked behind him and looked back. Then he said something I thought I would never here again. He said "hello"

Oh my gosh. First chapter is done! Hey sorry to all the people who read my other story" Things Will Turn Out...Right?." Sorry i didnt update at all, and things weren't working out with that story for me so I deleted it. so sorry for all the people who liked it. But hey another try can't hurt right :D.         Please say yes. SO if you liked this chapter, add it to your library, vote, comment, because i can tell you this, this story is not ending or going to be deleted any time soon. If you haven't guessed who the guy is that shes looking at then you don't know anything. HA HA JK.                                                                            ~~~~Edited~~~~~                                                                                                                               ~Loves to all<3                                                                                                                                                                             Em 

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