Just for fun...:3

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So I googled random fun questions...X3 and I thought this one would be fun!

I'm sure if you're reading this, you just want to be an extreme stalker! :,D


1. To win my heart....? Uh
- Give me books (ANY GOOD, CLEAN BOOK...)
- hugs. Just hugs.
- don't be a jerk
- use your head

Now, don't you dare try that on me. JUST DON'T.

2. Something I feel strongly about...? Well...this could be used in many ways, I guess.
I feel very strongly about how my friends feel, and if they're upset, so am I. I want people to be happy! This is the only life we get to live. We should cherish each and every sweet moment of it. Forget the bad times, but don't forget the positive things you learned from it.

3. A book I love..? BOOK...? NOT BOOKS...? -CRIES- I LOVE TOO MANY BOOKS....
But...:3 I really love The Books of Elsewhere series. It was fun, interesting, and pretty depressing at times. XDD and even a little scary...

I do things at a pretty fast pace half the time...like I am right now...? •~•

5. I've never dated :,3 and I don't plan on it. But...how about we say...ex friend? XD I would want them to know that I still care for them very much, and even though we wouldn't talk anymore, I would always be there if they needed me.

6. Mainstream music...Blech. Nope nope nope. :,D I don't like the popular stuff. In fact, I think I like everything that ISN'T popular in music. I enjoy being myself and listening to songs that others don't know about. That makes the song even more special to me!

7. Pet peeves....-sighs-
- when people say "-cries-" when they're texting and they're upset. Just. No.
- incorrect grammar "their our know rules to grammar!" NO NO NO THAT MAKES ME SO UNCOMFORTABLE...
- when people try to be funny, and they end up making a fool of themselves
- texting while driving
- bad language in books when it's not even needed. Just...no

8. What I ate today...
Breakfast - a muffin and a strawberry yogurt with a small glass of milk.
Lunch - Soup with a smoothie
Dinner - a roast beef sandwich

9. Education? Yes, that's important! If it weren't for school, how would we know a single thing? The Internet can only get us so far. Plus, if education didn't exist, electronics, books, and other things wouldn't exist.

10. First ten songs that play on shuffle in my music...(oh boy...)
(1) Be One (Acoustic) - Natalie Grant
(2) Restart - Newsboys
(3) House of Their Dreams - Casting Crowns
(4) This is The Stuff - Francesca Battistelli
(5) Broken Together - Casting Crowns
(6) Run Wild - For King and Country
(7) In Your Hands - Krystal Meyers
(8) Love's To Blame - For King and Country
(9) Seeker -Audio Adrenaline
(10) More Real - Brooke Barretsmith

11. My family? Well, I'll say my opinion on my family xD...
We're all...different. And strange. And we all have noting in common. Except for the fact that my mom and dad say I'm like a combination of their grandmothers. (My great-grandmothers that I never met)

12. Five guys I find attractive? Are you serious? Not a single person in this world is attractive, in my opinion. We're all the same.

13. How I feel about my body? I honestly don't care. I can't help the way I look or act, so I just accept myself for who and what I am. I'm happy just the way I am :3 and I'm proud to say that!

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