How to save a life <3

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this is a short story I wrote during the summer while I was very depressed and you know...stuff like that. It's poorly written because I never thought of being descriptive in this story. It's just a lesson in life I had always wanted to teach.  Listen to the video I have above while you read this :D

Once there were two girls who had been friends all their life.  They were born on the exact same day in the exact same hospital. Their mother's had been friends for longer than they could remember.

The girl's names were Theresa and Chloe.

The girls loved and hated the very same things.  For example, they both loved reading and they didn't enjoy sports.  The one thing they didn't have in common, was that Chloe was a very good swimmer, and Theresa was not.

In every free moment that Theresa and Chloe had, they spent it together.

Never once did the girls have a fight.  It was almost as if they were almost meant to be friends.

They looked out for each other at their school.  For when they saw the other getting bullied, they would jump in and defend the other.

There was  a certain bully at their school named Rose that they were always concerned about, for she was not a Christian and constantly said bad things that the girls didn't think would be pleasing to their God.

Theresa and Chloe always prayed for this bully after school, for they were worried about what her future could hold.

On a certain day, this very bully began saying things that hurt both of the girls greatly.  Child began to cry as she quotes Bible verses to herself, trying to comfort herself as she watched her friend continue to defend her.

After many months of this going on, the bully had become one of the most hated children in the school.  Everyone tried to avoid her.  Rose had also lost all of her fiends who were now the greatest of friends with Chloe and Theresa.

Feeling rejects and despised, the bully began to pick on the two Christian girls more than ever.  She hated them with all her heart, even though she enjoyed doing exactly what they liked.

Eventually the school year ended, which was a huge relief for the two friends, yet at the same time they were still worried about Rose.  They knew how much everyone had begun to hate her, and they feared she would do something horrible to herself over the summer.

Trying to free themselves from the burden of Rose, Theresa and Chloe decided to go to the beach with their mothers one sunny afternoon.

They didn't enjoy being in the outdoors, yet the breeze from the ocean calmed them down and brought them into a fantasy would where they nearly forgot all of their worries about the bully.  But this fantasy world didn't last long, for only minutes later a loud scream of a girl crying for help came from the sea.

Without thinking, Theresa dashed to the sea shore, jumped into the water, and began to swim towards the drowning girl.  Only seconds later was due swept under the water like the other.  Not being able to see where she was going, Theresa began to swim, only to find that she had swam farther out to sea.

Chloe shrieked and jumped into the water, searching for the other girl and her lifelong friend.  But just as she had reached the other drowning girl, she saw that it was the bully from her school.

Chloe frantically looked around for her friend, only to realize that her friend would be fine either way, and that Rose would not.  Looking back and fourth at her very best friend and the bully, tears welled up in her eyes, for she knew what the right to do was.

"I'm  sorry..." she called out to her friend as she watched Theresa's head go under the water again.

Tears streaming down her face, she leapt at the bully, lifted her into her arms, and pulled her back to shore.

Feeling sick to her stomach, Chloe ran to find a lifeguard to ask him to look for her friend, but it was too late.  Only minutes later did the cold, wet lifeless body of her friend wash up on shore.

Sobbing dramatically, Chloe ran back up to Rose to make sure she was okay.  She was fine, but tears were also streaming down her face.

"Why did you save me when your friend meant so my ch more to you?  Why would you choose me over her?" Rose cried, choking up a little bit of sea water.

"I saved you because I know where Theresa would go if she died.  She's with Jesus now," Chloe said as she tried to stop sobbing.

Many years later, these two girls became the most of unlikely friends.  Later, Rose began going to church with Chloe, and she soon became a Christian.

Though Chloe still regretted till the day she died, leaving her friend to drown, she knew she had done the right thing.  She had saved the life of someone no one dared to go near.

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