Bored, so why not? :3

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I just remembered I had posted this in my "meme" book! So I thought, why not let people get to know me a little better? :3
I mean, none of these questions seem too personal to me! XD Here we go!

1. Addiction - video games. Just video games. Once I start playing them on the weekend, I can't stop!

2. Best friends - I'll just tag them...:3 Noisyclaws GaMzEe_MaKaRa_HoNkEr NobodysHere12 iamanime55

3. Birthday - February 11th. :3 My sign is Aquarius!

4. Current mood - flipping worrying about life.

5. Favorite animals - dogs and cats! :D I've always loved dogs, and I'm really starting to love cats now, too!

6. Favorite cartoon - does an anime count? If so, Clannad. Just. Clannad. That anime changed the way I look at life!

7. Favorite color - purple~

8. Favorite movie - Hachi. That movie makes me cry every time! ;3;

9. Favorite food - SPAGHETTI. No no no no no no no, just kidding. I love pretty much every kind of cake...:3 so, I guess it's cake?

10. Girls I trust - THIS ONE IS TOO EASY~ Noisyclaws GaMzEe_MaKaRa_HoNkEr NobodysHere12 :3 my Besties, of course! I trust them with my life! ^•^

11. Guys I trust - iamanime55

12. Favorite tv show - *cries* I DON'T WATCH TV. I ONLY WATCH YOUTUBE— so I don't know~

13. Insecurities - I'm always scared that if I say the wrong thing at the wrong time, that I might hurt someone's feelings. I'm also always scared to talk around other people Irl, because my voice is terribly weird.

14. Lame joke - Why did the nose cross the street? Because he was being picked on. Ahah..:,D

15. Last hugged - I honestly don't know. The only time I get hugs are from my grandparents, and the last time I saw them was back in July.

16. Favorite hobby - reading. It's my life~

17. Last person I texted - myself. I get bored sometimes, so I text myself! :,D

18. Random fact - I never plan on getting married. I don't want someone to hinder me chasing my dreams.

19. Relationship status - "single" as all the desperate girls put on their profiles. *cough* and I plan on keeping it that way. Like I said in my last fact, I don't want ANYONE to get in my way. I mean, if they're my friend, then I don't mind. But NOPE NOPE NOPE...I'm socially awkward.

20. Children - I have 200 children. They're all my books. And each one has a name~ (like, why wouldn't a book have a title?)

21. Someone I miss - Noisyclaws GaMzEe_MaKaRa_HoNkEr NobodysHere12

22. Something I hate - ALL BUGS AND INSECTS....

23. Something I love - playing the piano. So basically, my piano.

24. Something I want - just a hug from my friends...if we ever meet. ^-^

25. Last person I called - Noisyclaws and GaMzEe_MaKaRa_HoNkEr :3

26. Last person I slept with - my stuffed animal. Yes, I'm 13. So what? :3 I've been sleeping with this stuffed animal since 1st grade.

27. Where I'm from - Uh...Alabama in the United States. I'm not saying WHERE in Alabama though...just because, you know. I don't want stalkers.

28. What you look for in a significant other - if I ever did date? Huh...well. I would want them to have a kind heart. Someone who isn't the strongest person, but their kindness makes up for it. And...I wouldn't want them to cuss. I'm okay with hearing curse words, I just don't care for them too much.

29. Morning routine - Wake up at 6 A.M. Wash my face. Go into the schoolroom. Do math, then German, then Science, then History, then Grammar. Get breakfast (usually, it's a strawberry yogurt). Make up my bed. Brush my teeth. Put my daily outfit on. Practice piano (or study). WAIT FOR MY MOM TO CHECK MY WORK...and that's my morning.

30. How much do you weigh - *cries* 100 pounds. I'm 13 is that an "OKAY" weight?

31. How tall are you - I'm 5'3 now. I'm not that tall for my age :U

And that is all! :3 I might do more things like that in the future...I dunno.

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