It was getting late now, and as I had predicted, Harry hadn't come back to see me. I knew he wouldn't, stupid brain always tried to give me a little hope, only to have me crash down in disappointment in the end every time.
I decided I wasn't hungry tonight, so I closed my door and put my earphones on. I played my favorite songs by Harry Styles. I liked his voice. He sounded like a nice person, just by his voice. I could get lost in his songs for hours. And sometimes I did. I played his songs tonight, because I'd met a guy named Harry today, so it was only fitting. Getting lost in his music until, I was lulled into a great sleep for the night.


When I opened my eyes, the first thought I had was of this Janel girl I'd met yesterday. I didn't get to go back and see her last night like I told her I would. But I'd covered my back and told her if I didn't, I'd come today for sure. I hoped she didn't think I'd forgotten about her.

I had some time off today, with a few appearances later on, so I got up and got moving quicker than I needed to, so I could get over to the home.

The home. It sounded so strange. She lives in a group home. She could have serious mental problems I don't know about. What will people say if they catch me going in there to spend time with a resident there? Why is she there? She seems pretty normal. Why don't they let her get a job and get her own place? Maybe I could ask the employees there when I go back.

I brushed my teeth, put on my last clean flannel and the same black jeans and some flat sneakers, and shuffled my hair around on my head till it looked semi in place enough, and left my hotel room for the group home.

When I got to the doors, I felt weird about going in. Do I ask for her? Will she be where I can see her? Is she even here right now? I shook my head and just went for it.

I went to the receptionist and said "I'm here to see Janel".

A middle aged looking woman whose name pin said Bonnie said she's not here right now. I didn't expect that, actually.

"She's walking around the town or the park. She'll be back by lunch, most likely", Bonnie told me.

"Are you Harry?" she asked me with a friendly smile.

"Yes. I'm Harry. Nice to meet you...Bonnie", I held out my hand to shake hers.

"How do you know Janel?" Bonnie asked curiously.

"I saw her from across the street yesterday, feeling a street pole, and I was curious what she was doing or if she needed help, so I asked her. And then we got to talking, and she seems like a great girl, and I'd like to see her her friend. Seems like she could use one, from talking to her", I told Bonnie.

Bonnie had a stern look on her face and you could tell she was deep in thought as she stared at me for an awkward moment.

"Listen...I'm glad you're befriending Janel. I just hope you are doing it for the right reasons. And if you plan to suck her into a friendship, please don't desert her at the drop of a hat, ok? She's had that happen to her before, and it was really really hard on her. I'd hate to see her go through that again.

So if you have time for her once in a while, great. But if you don't, then it's probably best to keep it really light and sparse. She's had a hard life. I only want the best for her, ok?

I don't mean to put you on the's just that Janel's life wasn't....isn't NORMAL, so you have to be careful with her, is all I'm saying" she ended with another friendly smile, with a hint of pity in it.

"I understand. I can tell by just talking to her yesterday, from the little bit she's told me.....she's had a hard life. And I won't promise more time than I can realistically give her. But she seems like a really nice girl, and I'd like to be her friend. And I do appreciate any help you can give me with that. Anything I need to know? Anything about her that will help me not freak her out or anything? This is a strange situation for me, and I don't want to hurt her, but she seems a little jumpy sometimes", I informed Bonnie, hoping she'd have a little advice for me.

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