"So what do you have planned for today?" He changes the subject, tapping his now empty cup against the table.

"Nothing besides class really. I have my song writing class at eight which I am so excited for," 

"Oh yeah that's a great class," He says before pulling his phone out of his pocket, "But you do know it's like 7:50,"

"What?" I almost shout, as I get up from my seat. 

"Don't just stand there, you're going to be late," He motions towards the door which I should be walking out of right now.

"Alright, I'm really sorry about last night,"  I apologize, briskly making my way to the door,

"Don't worry about it, I'll catch up with you later," He added as I ran outside. I speed-walk through the court yard, avoiding from making eye contact with anyone that passes by me. My hair has dried naturally, but I have no time to fix it, so it will have to say in the wavy, frizzy mess that it is right now. I make it to my class with about a minute to spare. This classroom is set up much differently from my first class. There are rows and rows of desks, which means there are going to be a lot of people. I find an open seat in the fourth row, so I sit myself down there. My eyes move to the door, when Calum strolls in. A big smile fills his face when his eyes meet mine. I try to fix my hair, so it will hopefully not look as embarrassing as it does now. I know Calum and I are friends and I really don't need to impress him, but I don't want to look like a complete slob. He makes his way down to the fourth row, plopping himself down in the empty seat next me. I notice his gaze automatically travels to my chest. I cross my arms across it, hoping to keep him from staring. He doesn't make a comment about how I am dressed, but I can tell he has definitely noticed. This stupid dress was definitely a mistake.

"I didn't know you were in this class," He finally speaks, his eyes moving back to mine.

"I didn't know you were either," I reply, tapping my fingers on the desk,

"So has anyone tried anything with you yet? Do I need to punch anyone in the face?" He asks. His tone makes it sound more like a sincere question then a joke,

"No," I chuckle, hopefully hinting that I thought he was kidding about the whole punching people in the face thing. He laughs along with me, so I think the message has gotten across. Our attention is drawn to the front, when the professor walks in. He gives a brief synopsis of the class, before going into this insanely boring lecture. He assured us today would be the only boring day, and that the rest of the semester we would be able to be more interactive and actually write our own songs. But he said today he had to go over the basics. After two hours of tedious information I was so relieved to finally get out of that room.

"So are you doing anything later?" Calum asks as he follows me out the door ,

"Well I was going to hang out with Ashton," I reply honestly as we continue walking mindlessly with no set destination.

"Oh," He says, his face slightly falling.

"But I mean nothing has been arranged yet. The three of us could always do something together," I suggest. I hate making him upset.

"Okay," His eyes brighten, as he lifts his head up to face mine, "I'll text you,"

"Alright, I'm gonna head back to my room now," I inform him, pointing in the direction of my dorm.

He starts to head in the other direction, but turns to face me. "See you later Val," He gives me a warm smile before turning around completely and walking away. I attempt to take a nap until it was time for my next class, since I got barely any sleep last night. When I wake up it's already 1:30, which means I have half an hour before my vocal class starts. All though I am dreading going due to the huge sense of drowsiness that I am feeling right now, I force myself to get up so I can fix my hair, which is an even bigger mess right now. Once I curl it to perfection, I apply lots of hair spray so that huge frizzy mess doesn't return. I have about 10 minutes before class, so I make my way out of the dorm. This class is in the room that I auditioned in and met Ashton, which I am really happy about because it was such a nice classroom. When I get there I scan the rows of chairs that are now filled with students. A head of almost white hair amongst the crowd catches my eye so I make my way to him in the last row of seats. 

"Valerie," Michael smiles as I take my place in the seat next to him,

"Hi," I respond,

"So I heard you and Calum are friends again," He whispers. I just chuckle uncomfortably and give him a simple 'yeah' which is usually how I reply to everything when I feel uncomfortable. I am also a little upset knowing that Calum talked to his friends about me and him becoming friends again. I am scared to know what else he told them. He better not have told them about how I used to like him. Wow, we've been friends for less than a day and he is already talking about our personal conversation to his friends. I mean I could be wrong, he could have just told them we were friends again and that was it. But, knowing Calum he probably said more than just that. 

The classroom door opens and the lady that had auditioned Ashton and I, walks in. She was really strict so I know this probably isn't going to go very well, "I'm going to skip the whole welcome to VCA speech because it is not important. You all are here right now because you passed your audition, which means you have some sort of musical talent, especially if you are in this class. Now what I need to know is where each of you stands on the talent aspect. So, I'm going to have you prepare a duet, a cover of any song you would like, of course it must be appropriate. And you have a week to work on your performance and perfect it. Which means every single one of you and your partners will be preforming the song you have prepared next tuesday. I will let you pick your partners, because this is the first project," She manages to say all in one breath.

All the students immediately start conversing amongst themselves, trying to find a partner for the assignment, "So what do ya say? Partners?" Michael suggests, a big cheeky grin on his face.

"Okay, but only cause your the only person left," I joke, 

"I'll have you know, I am a very talented singer, so you are lucky to have me as partner," He chuckles, me laughing along with him.

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