The Wiccan Chosen One (Chap. 7)

Start from the beginning

I felt a tug and I finally realized what she was doing. "No," I screamed. "You can't do this." The apparitions ignored me and continued to chant. There wasn't as may as there had been when The Ancients first spoke, but it was enough to accomplish Amarantha's goal. I tried something else. "Katheren! Fight it; don't let them take you away. I need you, don't you dare leave!"

~~~Katheren's P.O.V. ~~~

I didn't know where I was. It was black, and cold, and I heard voices, but other than that, I felt nothing else. I looked around me, but there was nothing.

I felt presences though. I felt about five different men and about six women. I didn't know who they were, where they were, or what they wanted, but I could. "Finally," they all said at once. "Witch child. What day is it?"

"Samhain," a familiar voice said, but I couldn't place it. "Where is Katheren?" That name also seemed like I knew it. "Who-what are you?"

"Has the knowledge truly been lost? Do you really not notice the greatness of The Ancients when they appear before you?" What was happening here? Who were these people?

"Where is she? What have you done with her?"

Man, this guys was persistent, if they hadn't given back that girl by now, they probably weren't going to. I didn't really pay attention anymore; I was more focused on figuring out where I was. How did I get here? The last thing I remember is... nothing actually. I don't even really know who I am.

"We have possessed her. This is our body now and we don't plan on giving it back." There was only one voice that spoke now, but I could hear both murmurs of agreement and cries of outrage at this.

"Now Amarantha, our time has passed, we cannot stay. It is her time now. We are here to guide, not to take her life as our own." I liked this voice. He sounded wise and nice. He was also one of the few that didn't give me a headache.

"Silence, Ezra!" that voice started again and the rest was lost to me. She talked too damn much.

There was a bright silver light forming in the blackness that surrounded me. A beautiful girl appeared before me wearing an outfit that looked better fit of England in the early 1100's. Ringlets that had escaped from her bun fell gracefully around her face and her sparkling eyes were haunted. She was shimmering and I swear that I could see through her.

"Child," she whispered urgently, "you must fight her. Do not let her win. It is your time now, not theirs. They are corrupt; you mustn't let her take control of you. You mustn't!"

Who are you? What's happening? I tired to ask her, but she had disappeared and another voice spoke up that sent shivers down my spine.

"I kill you and she has no reason to live."

"Amarantha." It was the girl who had appeared in front of me before, I recognized her voice. "We do not kill, warlocks do that, we are not evil!"

She laughed. "Aikaterine, so naïve," she tisk-ed. "You will be the first that I rid myself of." What the hell was wrong with this chick?

I didn't time to pounder this. The crazy voice was chanting now. I felt heat swell up in my body. I grabbed onto my head and fell to my knees screaming. Tears steamed from my eyes. I felt like someone was trying to tear me apart, piece by piece, bit by bit. Couldn't anyone help me in this blackness that engulfed me?

I screamed again in fresh agony as the pain seemed to double.

"No!" The voice was almost an echo to mine and was the only relief to the pain that I felt, if only minutely. "You can't do this!" he continued. "Katheren! Fight it; don't let them take you away. I need you, don't you dare leave!"

He was right. I could fight it, I had to.

But the pain kept building; it was so bad that I was barely even able to scream anymore. I couldn't do this, not alone, I wasn't strong enough.

Just when I thought the pain was going to be too much, when I thought I would die from it, there were more voices. The voices started to drown out the other sickening chant. The pain was slowly fading.

"You must fight it!" Aikaterine gasped. "We cannot hold them back for long."

I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know who these people were, must less what was happening. So I did what any sane person would do when they were as afraid as I was. I ran like hell. I pushed my way to my feet and ran. I ran in the blackness, the nothingness. I didn't know where I was running to, only what I was running away from and what I was running towards. That familiar voice was still coming. It was chanting the same thing that the other voices were chanting to get rid of the pain.

I kept running and then I broke through the desolation and into the light. I was floating, but the second that I opened my eyes, I fell to my knees, my face landing in the dirt.

"Katheren!" was the last thing that I heard before I fell into blackness once again.

{Author's Note: I have to say that that was fun to wirte! I don't know why, it just was. There will be much more action after this but the next two chapters or so will be a little slow then I get to write my action scenes again. :) Please comment and vote. Thanks


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