Imagine for Lucy

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Connor - Cute/Proposal

You and Connor were going out for a date tonight at 6pm exactly. Right now it was 5pm and you just got out of the shower when you got a text from Connor: "Its maybe better to out on some flats for tonight cause after we ate we can walk around in the park if you want? :)". You already didn't want to put on heels 'cause you were pregnant so you told Connor: "I wasn't planning on putting on heels but thanks for telling though. See ya tonight babe!". Seconds later you got a kissy face emoji back from him. You put your down and started to look for some clothes.

The clothes you got were supposed to be dress and maybe some accessories with it but you could see a little baby bump there so you decided on some nice, black pants and a white T-shirt with a necklace Con gave you on your second year anniversary. You were now together for a little more than 4 years and you still loved him as much as the first time you saw him! You put on the clothes, the necklace and some flats and went downstairs to grab your purse. You looked over at the clock and it was 5.50 so Connor should be here soon. You thought about how you had to tell him you're pregnant, would he be mad or happy? You didn't know but you got out of your thought seconds later cause the doorbell rang.

'Y-you look amazing!' Connor said with his jaw wide open and stared at you 'Thanks! You dont look so bad yourself too babe' You said smiling. 'Let's go ten?' He asked and took your arm and you walked over to the car. 'Where are we going today, Sir?' You asked him chuckeling. 'Well, my Lady, we are going to a really fancy restaurant first' He spoke out in a really bad English voice 'and then we will go to the park' and in his head he said "Cause I am going to propose to you there" and smiled to himself.

When you got to the restaurant Connor step out first and opened the door for you 'Well thank you, you're being a real gentleman today aren't you?' You smiled 'Anything for you babe' He said and kissed your cheek.

'What's the name?' The wait her asked when Con said that he made a reservation 'Ball'. 'Follow ms to your table' He smiled and walked over to a table at the end of the room 'Its beautiful here!' You said looking out of the window 'I know' Con said 'So are you, maybe even more' You chuckled a 'Thanks'.
You two ordered some food and ate it and both thought it was THE best dessert ever you got that night

'Thanks for bringing me here' You said while walking trough the park hand in hand and Connor kept you close to him. 'No problem princess' He said and kissed the top of your head 'I love you' You smiled. 'There actually is something else why I wanted to bring you here tonight' He said and you saw he was becoming nervous and his face changed from happy to... Who knows. 'A-are you breaking up with me' You asked confused, you didn't think it would be that cause he brought you all the way to the restaurant and all the other sweet things he did for you today 'No!' He said 'Its something else'.

He got down on one knee and got a little black case out of his pocket 'I want you yo know that I love you so much and can't be without you anymore, I want you as my best friend but also as my wife. I want to make you happy for the rest of your life and maybe even start a family in a few years!' When he said that you broke a little cause you were carrying his child and he said in a few years quite loud... 'Y/n y/l/n would you please marry me?' He said waiting for your answer 'Yes I do!' You still screamed and hugged him so tight. When you let go of him he had the biggest smile on earth on his face and he put the ring around your finger. 'I love you so much' He said and kissed you.

When you got home you told him that you were pregnant and that you were sorry cause he just said that he wanted a family LATER in his life... But when you were done his jaw was wide open and he was really happy with it and told you he was going to be a great dad and help you with everything and you smiled to after that. 'Its the most amazing day in my life' He said when you went to bed 'I live you both' and with that you fell asleep.

I hope you liked it Lucy!! It took some time but its quite long and I am really happy that I finally had some inspiration for this one! :) enjoy reading it and let me know what ya think about it, kay? ^_^

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