Imagine for Lau

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Brad - Cute

'SERIOUS BRAD' You yelled at him 'HOW DID YOU DO THAT?' You ran upstairs. 'I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU' He yelled back 'So I asked the boys for advise and they said this would be a good idea' he had THE cutest smile on his face 'But serious, we're going to Hawaii?!' You asked to make sure that you got it right 'Yes we are' He hugged you 'Because I love you loadsss' you hugged him back really tight wrapping your legs around his waist and kissed the top of his nose. 'Go pack, the plane leaves tonight baby' You didn't need to hear that twice and ran upstairs packing all the things you needed for the trip after thanking him for the hundred time.

What happened was: Brad and you were together for quite a while now and never really been alone or went on a trip without the other boys so the boys (Well... More like James and the others insisted on Brad taking you)
said that you two should go on a trip together to some place faaaaaaaaaaar away. They kept it quiet so Brad could surprise you and take you the same day as when he told you. You would stay there for 2 full weeks. :)

You were now packing all the things when you saw Brad leaning in the doorway looking at you with smile 'Dont you hav to pack too?' You asked him 'No I already did that' He said 'Yesterday'. 'And I didn't see anything! Pretty good at hiding things now, ay?' You smiled at him 'Kind of' He walked over to you 'But not at hiding my love for you' he said with a stupid smirk 'Omg Brad' You laughed and looked over at him 'That sounds so cheesy!'.
'You know you like it' he said laughing before walking out 'Get the packing done, I'll make dinner baby' He smiled at you and walked downstairs.

"Only some shoes" You thought and picked them up placing them in the suitcase. 'Done?' You heard Brad yell from downstairs 'Yepp!'You said 'Just finished, I'm coming'. 'Okay' dinner's ready too'. You walked downstairs and saw a beautiful table full of food 'yummy, looks good Brad' 'you too' He mumbled causing you to smile 'thanks' you laughed. Brad blushed when he realized he said it out loud.

You finished eating and went to put all the suitcases in the car and after you drove off to the airport. When you got there you saw all the other boys standing there too. ''Connor, James and Tristan!" You said making your voice sound mad, which did worm cause they started to look a bit scared of what you were going to say "I FRICKING LIVE YOU GUYS!" You ran up to then and had a big groupshug.

After loads of hugs and some goodbyes and have funs and be save! you finally got on the plane and hours later you landed in Hawaii...
'its beautiful here!' You both said at the same time when you walked out of the airport and laughed 'It sure is' Brad said.

You both spent two amazing weeks in the beautiful country Hawaii and did loads of fun things together! Also you had some good night just staying at the house you got watching some movies and cuddling. :)

Hope you like it Lau :) Sorry it took some time but it is good I think! Hahaha

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