"Girls, why don't you let Robin take you into the lounge and he'll put a DVD on for you...I'm sure we've got one that you'll like...and then me and your mum can have a proper catch up."

They nodded furiously, and left the room. Robin shut the door behind him, knowing that Anne wouldn't want to be disturbed right now. I was really in for it, I knew I was. But in a way, I was glad. Zayn and Louis had been welcoming, they'd practically forgiven me straight away, but I didn't want Anne to be. She needed to shout at me, maybe that way I would learn my lesson.

"Why didn't you tell Harry?" she asked, her voice icy. "Because, and forgive me if I'm wrong, I think that he deserved to know that you were having his children!"

I hung my head and rested my arms on the table, nodding slowly.

"Seven years Alicia! How do you think he's going to react when he sees you here, and then he sees those innocent little girls? I like to think that I know my son, and I know for a fact that he is going to go crazy. He's going to throw a fit...yes, he still loves you, he's admitted that to me in the past, but this is going to push him over the edge! To find out that he has two daughters that he's never even met-"

"He has met them," came flying out of my mouth.

"Now I'm confused," she stated.

"He uh...he works in their class."

"Bloody hell," she moaned, rubbing her temples. "He is getting here in...less than an hour now, and he's going to walk in, see Maddie and Ellie, realise that he knows them, and then see you...and then go mad!"

"I know that!" I shouted, standing up. "I know that I should have told him from the start, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't wanted him breaking their hearts like he did mine! He didn't do it intentionally, but after everything that happened, I knew that I wouldn't be able to face him again. I didn't want him to keep on leaving the girls when he went on tour, I didn't want him to be confusing for them...they're six years old, they deserve a normal childhood instead of being hounded by the media for being Harry Styles' children!"

"I'm not saying that they don't," she snapped. "All I'm saying is that Harry had a right to know he was going to be a father right from the beginning...and seven years later, I have you turn up on the doorstep, telling me I have grandchildren I didn't even know existed. It's sick Alicia."

"I'm sorry that I never told you. But I never would have come back if it wasn't for them. They wanted to meet Harry, they wanted to meet their Daddy. and for years, I have dreaded the time when they would ask that. But the time is right now, whether I like it or not, he has to find out. I know that he's going to go batshit crazy, but it's the course that I've chosen, it was my choice to keep it from him, and now I'm going to live with the consequences. If he wants to hate me when he finds out, that's fine, but there is no way I'm letting him walk out of Maddie and Ellie's life once he's in it."

She sighed, and rubbed her head once more.

"That's courageous of you," she nodded. "But are you really prepared to live with Harry being angry at you after everything you want through together?"

"I am."

"I'm going to do as much as I can to help the both of you. But you need to make the first move, you need to talk him into arranging time with them...they're beautiful Liss."

"Thank you," I whispered, sitting back down. "Sometimes I'll turn to look at them, and they just look so much like Harry, it kills me. They're both just like him in so many ways, it's...incredible really...how can they be so much like someone they've never even met before?"

Lessons Learned (Sequel to Love At War) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now