Chapter 42 - Pout and Kiss

Start from the beginning

From a man's point of view, sir, I want to know:

Would you have the nerve to say 'I love you' to a girl even if you don't really have feelings for her?

Would it be possible for you to fall in love with a girl you actually hate?

Would distance not bother you if you aren't with the girl you love?

Just pretty please tell me honestly what would a guy really feel and do.

Thank you so much, sir.



Of course, there was a response from him. He never failed to reply every letter I sent him through his ever-loyal bearer, who obviously travelled a lot to follow me wherever I was assigned.

Miss Ruiz,

So, it's a guy that has been bothering you. Are you in love?

I think you are...

Well, since you're asking, here are my answers.

I don't know for other men, but for me:

I don't just throw 'I love you' to every girl I meet. Hence, when I say 'I love you' to someone, I really mean it.

It's very difficult to distinguish hate from love because they are extremely opposite kinds of feelings but they have lots of things in common --- both are elevated states of emotion; both are intense; both are complicated; both are forms of passion; both can drive someone do crazy, unusual things. Love and hate are practically the same and they often overlap. So, there's a great possibility that love can turn to hate and hate to love. Sometimes we are just so obssessed of entertaining the feeling of so much hate that we deny the presence of love.

Distance is a monumental barrier. It's a wall that tends to tear your heart apart. Separation, for me, is unbearable. If there's something that I really hate with all my life, then distance it is with the person I love.

Do you feel something for this guy who's been bothering you, Miss Ruiz? I think when a guy bothers your mind and your heart a lot, this is an indication that you have indeed feelings for him. Am I sensing right?

People are not perfect. We commit mistakes. The most important thing is we learn to realize our wrongs and try ourselves to make them right.

I hope you'll finally find your heart.

S. Eliakim

After reading his letter, I spent about several minutes staring at it. I thought this was the longest note he ever had written for me.


Two months before the end of the whole school year internship, I was assigned to an institution for disabled people in the capital city.

Yes, in the capital.

It was the farthest place that I had gone for the practicum. It was my last assignment before my graduation.

I got excited for this last assignment, not only of the experience I would get from the institution of which I was assigned, but also of the place. It was no less than the capital city and I had a lot of memories in that place.


"He's residing here. Aren't you going to see him?" Kara asked me.

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