Chapter 2

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"I'll keep you safe,

I'll keep you sound."

--- ⚡️

A golden carriage burst through the clouds and landed beside the school entrance, led by huge winged horses emitting an unearthly glow.

Soon after, a massive ship with a dragon head decorating the hull shot straight up out of the Black Lake, splashing water everywhere and sprinkling the gawking students, who were all the way at the bridge.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Harry exclaimed, turning to Hermione. "Hermione?"

Huh, she'd only been right beside him a moment ago.

Hermione's POV

Hermione stayed near the back with Parvati and Lavender. She needed some space from Harry.

She gasped in wonder as she saw the elegant carriage and the monstrously huge ship approach. She had read all about them over the summer, due to her habit of always learning ahead of others. It was as if her textbooks had come to life!

Hermione followed everyone else inside the Great Hall once excitement had settled, and sat down in her usual spot at the Gryffindor table, grimacing slightly as Harry plopped down next to her.

He had just started to say something when Dumbledore cut them off with a wave of his hand. It was time for the sorting.


"Now, that we're all sorted and settled, I'd like to make an announcement," Dumbledore started, glancing around, and was pleased to see that everyone was paying him their full attention. "This year, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament."

Gasps and whispers sounded around the room, and Hermione, forgetting that she'd planned on ignoring Harry, started reciting everything she knew about the tournament to him.

"It's terribly dangerous, the tournament, from what I've read. People have died from it; I don't see why it'd be anyone's idea of fun!" she retorted, glancing at Harry with raised eyebrows. She saw with a note of annoyance that Harry didn't seem to be listening.

Harry's POV

Hermione appears to be saying something, and Harry was glad that she was back to acting like her usual self and all; but he couldn't focus on anything else but Dumbledore at that moment, who was explaining about the tournament.

"The champions selected for the tournament will have to get through a series of three difficult tasks.Trust me when I say, that these tasks are not for the fainthearted," said Dumbledore with a small shake of his head. "But more of that later! Now, if you'll join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons, and their headmistress, Madame Maxine!"

Heads whipped to the direction of the doors, which had swung open by themselves, to reveal a crowd of girls in flowing periwinkle blue uniforms strutting in a neat order

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Heads whipped to the direction of the doors, which had swung open by themselves, to reveal a crowd of girls in flowing periwinkle blue uniforms strutting in a neat order.

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