Note 28- Savage Revenge

Start from the beginning

I jogged down to the basement in my Uncle's man cave, I decided not to work for Uncle Fame anymore, because he put limits on the shit I do, but on my dad side that let me do whatever I need to make paper.

My three cousins Sirgio;Jaiten;Roy and my other little sister Aiyana, who's a stud all sat around the table drinking and smoking blunts.

"What's up?" I said as I gave them all a daps, giving them all a brotherly greeting, then I took Aiyana's blunt from her and began smoking it for my self then plopped down in the chair.

"Did you put in that shit?" She asked.

"Hush dyke. Hush."

"What's up nephew?" My uncle Fernandez greeted me.

"Nun, what you need?" I questioned as I blew smoke out from my mouth.

"Alright all you motherfuckers is gathered here today because we have problem. Aaron robbed one of my warehouses on Crenshaw."

"Well how you know it was him?" Jaiten asked,

"Peanut told me that his little boyfriend was bragging around town talkin about how they made all this dough."

"W-w-w-w-wait! B-boyfriend?" I said shocked "This nigga gay?"

"I'm afraid so." He responded he blew smoke from his mouth and chuckled. Aiyana and I looked at each other in disgust.

"Nigga caught a bitch ass attitude because I didn't loan him 11 racks on they wedding. I ain't with that gay shit, I'm not about to give my money up for some shit I don't even support, you know what I mean."

"I feel you, I feel you." Roy nodded his head.

"So his bitch ass robbed me for twenty racks and fifty pounds of coke. I don't want yall to kill him but do something to get all of mine that he has out of him. Yall got that."

We all nodded.

.. .. ..


iyana and I parked across the street in front of Aaron's complex and she sighed as she put out her blunt in the ash tray.

"He's our brother? Should we really do this? I mean that's our flesh and blood."

"We should do it." I ignored her emotions and pulled out my gun from the glove department and put it on my waistline.

"You ready?" I asked.

She shrugged and opened her car door getting out. And we both put on our mask and seen Sirgio and Roy, gesturing for us to come on.


"Aids? You really have aids?" Brandon asked me with tears in his eyes as we layed in the bed.

"Yeah...It's been a few months that's why I jaje sure we use condoms."

"Baby, that is--ugh. Who gave it to you."

"B, don't worry about." I ran my fingers through his afro as he shedded tears and laid his head on my chest.

"I'll be okay, as long I don't catch I'm straight. I can't wait to get married."

"Me neither."

All of a sudden our bed room door was kicked in five men in mask entered the room waving guns.

"Aye! Aye! What's--" I began to shout but was thrown off my bed by one of them and there boot was pressed againts my head.

"Where's the twenty g's?!" The one above me yelled.

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