Note 25- Failed

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I woke up in our bed and Aiden was at the edge of our bed feeding Ira a bottle, I hated that he was still here, the door bell run when I stood up, he grabbed Ira's diaper and called out for Jeremiah and Aralyn, because they were all going to his mother's house. I was dying to tell her what he did to me but decided to keep calm.

When I entered the bath room I flicked the light switch on and looked at my reflection in the mirror, my skin was discolored black and blue to be exact I had an black eye, busted lip and my gums felt swollen alone wity my mouth.

I grabbed a towel from the side cabneit and wetted with cold water, then patted my face down. I could not believe he hit me like this, through out the beating I thought he was Ali, the only thing that stopped him was Jeremiah and Aralyn crying for me.

After a few minutes he came back into our room and grabbed night bags out the closet and began packing. I was too shock to appoligize. 

"So I'm divorcing you, you can keep this house but I want the car I bought you and custody of my kids" he said as he stood in the door way.

"No..Aralyn and Ira is staying with me. Those are my babies and you would not take them, you are crazy. Why would you do this to my face?" I whined while looking in the mirror, I hope these bruises won't stay long.

"Why would you cheat on me?"

"You cheated on me and I just found out you have a child by another woman! You thought that wasn't gonna upset me! At first he raped me okay! Bu--"

"Nah nah nah....Chancey probably raped you...probably. I'm not too sure how true that it. But Aaron, how do you explain that?"

"He took me to this bar and got me dru--"

"Why would you go to a bar with him. You did all of this shit on purpose, so I'm done!"

Tears fell from eyes like the rain pouring down on a stormy night, as Aiden was waking away, I pulled his arm and made him face me.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't know how to love a man and keep him, because they never loved me. My first boyfriend died, and when he was alive he never showed me that he loved me he always kept me guessing and Ali, Ali abused me, physically, verbally and mentally....and he cheated on me with my bestfriend and got her pregnant! Now it's you, you cheated on me, and basically did the same things they did. Do you know it's hard to trust a man with your heart! I wasn't ready to marry you but I wanted to be happy...I thought you would make me happy, I always wanted to have a real husband and loving kids. I just want to be happy A!"

I busted out in tears and begin crying like a child.

"I just-- I'm sorry Aiden! I love you and I want you to love me! I wanna stop with the games, please don't cheat on me anymore and hit je no, and I swear I'll be faithful! Aiden please love me! Because all men do is break my heart....I wanted to break somebody's heart for a change so they can see how it feel."

"India....if it was just some nigga you talked tp I would forgive you...but you fucked my flesh and blood. I gotta free myself."

"No! No!" I got on my knees and held on to his legs. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave me I'm sorry! Please A, please love me."

He pushed me off of him and walked out the bathroom and contined to pack his stuff.

I threw a tatrum as if I was a toddler and rolled on the floor, him walking away hurted my feelings.

"Don't leave me,please!" I kicked and screamed and he stared at me with a straight faced.

"India please stop being dramatic." He said teary eyed 

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