"See Nate? Nagging everyone for nothin'." Kris says, shooting Nathan a triumphant look, that basically said 'I told you so.'

             "You ready for your big day?" Allison asks, her silvery grey eyes meeting my blue ones.

             "Yes...well... A little nervous actually.." I admit, running a hand back through my hair.

              "I think that's normal..perfectly understandable." Penelope says, giving me a gentle smile.

               "Do you.... Do you guys think maybe I'm rushing this?" I ask, and all the girls freeze at my words, as I look at all of them.

It was Kris that spoke first this time, meeting my gaze. "Do you love him?" She asks simply, and I nod.

"Yes. Of course I do." I answer, wondering exactly where she was going with this, though I think I have a pretty good idea...

"Okay, next question, can you picture your life without him?" Kris asks, still looking at me.

I think about it for a minute, about what my life would be if I left him, and the crew. My heart sinks at the thought, my chest tightening the more I think about it, and I know my answer. "No. A life without him in it would be...." I trail off, at a loss of words how much that would hurt.

Kris nods, giving me a knowing look. "Then there's you're answer." She says simply, and I can't help smiling at her. She's right. I was still nervous, who wouldn't be? But I loved him.

"As long as you love him, and can't picture your life without him in it, that's all that matters." Arabella chimes in next, smiling at me softly.

"The amount of time doesn't matter when it comes to how you feel." Penelope quietly adds, as she stands up, heading over. "I think it's time we start getting you ready." She adds, and all the girls drag me off my room, to get ready.

They sit me down on the bed, and get started. "I'll do your hair." Luna offers, as I feel her hands run through my hair. It's almost soothing, when someone else does your hair.. Their fingers running through it feels nice.

"I'll take care of make up." Penelope chimes in, producing a small bag, as she starts to carefully do my make up, her and Luna careful not to interfere with the other's work.

"Okay, your dress, shoes, flowers, veil, and our dresses... I think that's everything..." Kris trails off, interrupted by a knock on the door.

Kris opens the door slightly, then quickly tries to shut it, as Morgan tries to peek in. "What the fuck Morgan?" Kris exclaims, as she tries to shove Morgan out the door.

"Morgan get out!" I yell, as I duck behind Arabella, who quickly moves in front of me, blocking me from view, along with Penelope, and Luna.

"Oh come now, I just wanted to see how-" Morgan starts, as Kris and Allison continue to try and shove him out of the room.

"GET OUT!!!" All the girls yell, almost in sync, as Luna runs over to the shelf, snatching a bottle of liquor before running towards Morgan.

"Just go! Here I'll give you booze if you just leave now!" She yells, shoving the bottle into Morgan's hands, as Kris, Allison, and now Luna lead him to the door.

"I quit but-" Morgan protest, as they shove him out of the room.

"Morgan you can have it if you get out and don't bother us again while we finish getting ready!" I exclaim, just wanting him to go. I didn't want him to see me just yet.

Playing for Keeps (a PIL fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant