Chapter 9; Pure Pain

Start bij het begin

"AHGG! I-IT... HURTS! N-No MORE! No MoRe PaIN! NO MoRE P-AIN! *hic*  P-PLEASE! AHH...!" Sans voice-cracked screams echoed through the small building.

nobody came... 

"Oh I'm so sorry! Did that hurt? I didn't mean to break that one off! Oh well! I guess you don't need this one either..." The man grabbed the rib he had previously twisted.

Sans shook his head no, chocking out a sob, " Please! *hic* I'll-I'll do... whatever... you want! just.... just please stop! I ca-can't-! Please! No more!" Sans shook and begged. He felt pathetic, Papyrus wouldn't beg. He'd endure this and try to get out by fighting- NO!- He wouldn't have even gotten in a situation like this because he was smart, unlike him. 

"Hmmmm.... anything huh? Well maybe I want to break off all of your ribs! YEAH! LET'S DO THAT!" The man evilly grinned and laughed, making Sans squirm in panic.


The man proceeded, breaking off his ribs one by one, slowly and painfully twisting them in the process. The screaming was deafening. 

Sans vision went black, waking up each time as the pain got worse. He didn't know what to do; there was nothing he could do but endure it. 

"Mmmm! YOUR SCREAMS ARE SO GOOD! I can't WAIT for my turn!" The crazy one in the doorway laughed.

The main guy ignored him, noticing Sans was in and out, "J-Just... Just kill me..."he begged with an unreadable expression, laying helplessly on the floor.

'Such a pitiful sight.' The man thought, smiling.

"Oh my! I think someone's getting sleepy! Let's fix that!" The man didn't go for a rib this time. Not that there was much to go for anymore, instead he grabbed his soul. Sans immediately jumped back to reality and chocked. 

"hh-Ack-h-" He couldn't speak.
"Wow! That had great effect and what a pretty little soul! So red, small, and still so so innocent." The man squeezed it gently, making Sans jump and lose his breath. 

"Oh... What's this? ...Who's magic you using?" Knowing he wouldn't get a response, he continued, "I was wondering how you were still alive... Oh well, this'll just make you suffer longer... So let's see what we can do here!" The man raised a clawed finger.

"Sir! DON'T! You WILL kill him!" One shadow shouted from the door.
"Shut your mouth and keep watch! I'll do as I please! Besides! He wants to die!"

The shadow sighed and went back to keep watch.

"Now where were we... OH YES!" The man took his sharp claw, scrapping it along the soul, red blood slowly oozing from the cut, a purple aura following it's chase.

"Mmmm... What a mess." He looked down at the small skeleton and smiled evilly.

Sans was in shock, no words to describe what he was feeling... His sockets wide with fear, one red eye glowing, huge red tears coming down like a waterfall onto the floor. His body twitching as tremors rocked him.

"That sure does look painful! Tell me, how does it feel!?" He didn't get a response.

"HAHAHA! Well I think I've tortured you enough... it seems you'll be dead in the next 30 minutes or so... I would've just killed you but I just couldn't resist doing this first!" He threw Sans' soul to the side, it twitched fiercely as magic drizzled onto the cold floor.

The beast then slid his hands down to Sans' pelvic region. Sans arched at the gentle touch, a groan escaping from his mouth. He'd never felt a feeling like this before. He couldn't describe it but he didn't like it. It felt... wrong.

"Hmm... You like that don't you!" The man chuckled harshly as Sans began to cry again.
"Oh come on sweetheart, I'm going easy on you! Isn't that what you wanted!?" The bigger monster mocked.
"*Hic* St- St- Stoh...p..." He was so exhausted, letting out another scratchy groan.
"That's a good little brat..." The man whispered, biting down on Sans neck.

Sans gasped at the pressure, feeling pain rise once more.

The man began to unzip his pants. Heaving over the small form under him. 

Sans was terrified; he couldn't even breath. He wanted it to stop. He wanted Papyrus to come and save him. He knew he couldn't get out of this without him. 

"P-Papyrus... -HH-hhh- PA-PAPYRUS! PAPYRUS! *Hic* PAPYR-" He felt the man grab his throat, a painful shock running down his spine. The man brought his fist up.

"PAPYRUS!" Sans called again, he wasn't giving up.
The man hit him in the face, bruising and cracking his lip. 

He took another deep breathe, "PAPYRUS!!!" He couldn't give up.

The man hit him again with much more force, leaving a painful gash near his right socket.

He gagged, "Pa-Papyrus!!!" He was loosing his voice.
He didn't want to give up though.

The man yelled at him, but he did not hear.
He gave it one last shot.

"HHH-hhh-h- P-Papy-!" The monster man hit him again mid-scream.

Everything... went black.

Author's note;

I am so sad right now... ;-; Papyrus where the fuck are you bro!?

Also I think my heart cracked a bit while writing this :') I guess that means I did good!

Well I really hope you all hated this chapter! Cause if you enjoyed it... Congrats, you're a sicko! o_o and you creep me out! Nah, I'm joking, no judgment here! Anyways...

I must go now! To write chapter 10!!!!

(Ramen Now: Well... ok then... 9-9 ... Guys, uh, if you see any grammar mistakes, Tell me.)

Why all the Abuse? (An Underfell/Underswap AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu