Why in the hell did I say that?! This was supposed to be a mature conversation. Nice going, Alison. What am I? 0 for 2 now? Or is it 3? Hell, I lost count.

"Are we actually talking about your breasts right now or is that some type of code for you and Hanna's failing relationship?"

"I cannot believe you just said that!" I sort of snapped at her. I didn't mean to, but I really can't believe that those words came from my sweet Emily's mouth. Good, so she has some sass to her. I like that.

"I am so sorry, Alison. I did not mean t-"

"It's fine, Emily. Am I a bit shocked by your sudden outburst? Yes. But, that doesn't make it any less true babe...are you still hungry?" I asked her, changing the subject. It was beginning to get a bit too heavy and real. Maybe I'm not ready to be in a relationship with Emily...Oh who am I kidding? Of course I am! I just feel terrible leaving Hanna like that. Especially knowing that she's already met Emily and she'll probably see us when we hang out around town.

"Not really," she honestly answered as she pushed her bowl of fruit away from her. I suppose she too picked up on the thick air between us.

"Anything you want to do or you want to go straight home?" I asked her as I looked around in my purse for some cash to cover the bill and a tip.

"I don't really want to go home, but I don't have any ideas as to what I want to do or where I want to go," she sighed as she tried to think of something. "Ali, you don't have to-," she tried to stop me from placing a ten dollar bill on the table by grabbing onto my wrist.

"I know that I don't, but I want to. Now, would you please let go of my wrist?" I looked at her. After a few seconds, she let go.

"Thank you," she shyly smiled at me as she slowly scooted her way out of the booth and stood up. I did the same, intertwined our hands and led us out the door.

Emily POV

Alison has driving for about 10 minutes now and she just stopped for gas. Once I saw her enter the little store where you pay for the gas, I got out of the car and went towards the gas pump. I figured it's the least I could do, since she paid for my food. And, well, this is my car. I waited until I saw Ali coming out of the store and I hit the button for regular gas. Then, I picked up the pump and held it in place at my gas tank.

"Aww look at you being a little gentlewoman," Alison said in a soft voice as she walked back to the car, "Might I add sexy," she winked at me as she rested against the car and watched me.

"Well I figured a cute little blonde like you wouldn't know how to do this because I'm sure that all the guys run over whenever you're at the gas station. Girls too," I joked. Why did I say that? Did I really just flirt with Alison? Someone please run me over with a truck. Maybe if I just stand here and smile really creepily, then she'll go away. No. Wrong answer, Emily. Wrong, stupid answer.

"You think I'm cute?" She flirted as she stepped a bit closer to me.


"Did I say cute? I mean you're sort of easy on the eyes," I smirked as I looked her up and down, but I got stuck at her boobs.

"My eyes are up here sweetie," she told me as she lifted my chin a bit, thus stepping even closer to me, "By the way, the thing reached $25 like half a minute ago. So how about you return the pump to its original location, close the gas tank and get in the car? But not before opening my door for me, okay? Thanks!" She gave me a sly smirk as she stood there waiting for me to do as I was told. Of course I did and right before getting in the car after I opened the door for her, she pecked my lips.

Okay breathe, Emily. Do not get overly excited. It was just a simple peck. A kiss. From Alison. Your step-sister. Your newfound crush. Your only exception. Alison.

"Are you gonna get in or what?" Alison stuck her head out the window and smiled at me. I practically ran to the passenger's side and flew into the car.

"Sorry. I was-"

"Don't lie and give me some bullshit excuse, Emily. That is rule #3 of being in a relationship with me," she told me as she put my seatbelt on for me. Uhmm okay...what is going on? I'm slightly aroused by everything that is going on, but I'm still a bit clueless as to why it's going and how it started.

"Ali, what it going on?"

"Rule #2, do not question me. Ever," she glanced at me with a serious look.

"Uhmm o-okay...what's rule #1?"

"I'm Alison in the streets, but Daddy in the sheets. Got it?" She said in an innocent voice as she looked down at my thigh while slowly tracing patterns on it with her index finger.

"Uhmm I-I...I uhmm," I was at a loss for words. Everything that's happening is throwing me of and moving way too fast. Maybe this is just some sort of joke.

"A simple yes would be suffice, Emily," she giggled. "I'm totally kidding babe. About all of it...well, everything except rule #1. That's always rule #1, whether we are in a relationship or not," she smirked as she playfully licked her lips while staring at my boobs, "Is it okay if I just drive us someplace where we can sit and chat?" she asked me.


Yea and since you're staring at my boobs, do you mind if I take a grab at yours?

What is wrong with me? I don't like girls. I can't like girls. But I like Alison and she is a girl.

So this one definitely isn't as long. And I was sort of eager to put something out. Especially after seeing all of the comments from the previous chapter.

Anyways, the tables have slightly turned. It seems that Emily has finally realized that she has feelings for Alison.

What'd you think?

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