Go get her!

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Still Brent's POV

"Dude I'm not dating her" I heard Cameron say as he got in the room.

"What do you mean?!" I aksed.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop okay? I just heard you guys and i wanted to tell you Brent I'm not dating Alexis."

"What about that god damn kiss you guys had on the bus?!" I yelled.

"It wasn't anything serious. I mean she lost a bet to me and that kiss was pending plus i kissed her i initiated it not her" he said.

"There's nothing going on between us Brent, nothing ever will" he added

"Why?" I asked.

"Cuz she likes someone else"

"So there's someone else now?! Damn it!" I said.

Chris n Cameron were looking at each other then at me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's you, you dumbass she likes you" Chris said to me.

"You guys are just pulling my leg!"

"Brent I'm very serious right now. She likes you man! Go get her!" He said.

"Yeah go man right now we were all going home you go get your girl!" Chris said.

"Yeah! Yeah! I Will! I'm going to New York. Chris book my tickets I'm gonna go pack!" I said and ran to the closet.

Alexi's POV

Scott Dylan n I went back home. Dylan made us pancakes. His pancakes are best!

"Scott want to bath?" I asked.

"Yes please" he said.

"Okay I'll fill the tub with hot water" i said and entered the bathroom i turned the hot water on.

I took a shower after practice before going to airport so I'm good.

"I'll have a bath with him!" I heard Dylan say.

"As you wish" i said.

Both of them ran to the bathroom after few mins. Boys! I went to my room and took a nap.

I heard some screams. Scott! I ran out of my room to find Dylan chasing Scott.

"Really guys? I thought he was in trouble" i said.

"We woke you up?" Dylan asked.


"Great! Cuz we're going to park" he said.

"Okay I'll go fix my hair." I said and went back to my room.

We went to the park later. We were playing with Scott and this sweet old lady said "your girl seems like one in a million don't loose her" to Dylan.

At which scott laughed a lot. Did he even get it? But Dylan told her we were not a couple and he ain't our son.

We are now walking down the path to get ice creams.

"Alexis i met cute girl" scott said.

"Really? Scott what's her name"


"Yeah she your girlfriend now?" I asked to which he didn't say anything and when i looked at him he was looking at the ground.

I looked at Dylan who was also looking at scott. Dylan picked scott up.

Two viners II Brent Rivera IIWhere stories live. Discover now