I Lost my best friend..

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I walked down to the m&g place with Dylan. We were laughing all the way long as he told me that he received an underwear in his P.O. box last month.

The fans started coming in, i met a lot of them, hugged them got pics with them.

I saw a few guys coming over where i was.

"Hey alexis" they all said smiling.

"Hey" i smiled back.

"We all really love your videos" one of the guys said.

"And can i add that you're really beautiful" another one added

"Thanks" i replied smiling.

"I'm Duke, this is Harry, Isaac and Andrew" the third guy said pointing at all his friends.

"Hello all" i said smiling.

"Let's get clicked now" duke said excitedly

We clicked some selfies, few in my cell for Snapchat.

"Hey I um made this for you" Issac said giving me a big envelope.

I was going to open it but Issac said "don't open it yet open it when you're at your hotel. Please"

"Yeah sure okay" i said smiling.

"Hey guys are you on Twitter?" I asked them.

They all told me their twitter names i followed them.

More Fans were waiting so they went after each getting a hug, that's kinda the first time i met some really hot fans of mine.

More fans came i met them all then a few girls came i heard them say "i hate Brent's girlfriend soo much"

"Omg hey alexis!" They then said.

"Hey!" I replied back.

They all hugged me.

"Why do you guys hate Danielle?" I asked them.

"You heard that?" One of them asked.

"Yeah but i don't like her too so you can tell me"

"We were all hugging Brent and then she came n said 'okay it's time you girls can go now" one of them explained.

"And i think she's just using Brent, you know she opened her own YouTube channel after she got with Brent" other one said.

"You guys think that too?" I said.

"Yeah we do" they said.

"Well never mind let's continue our meet alexis we got this for you" blonde said and she gave me a white top which had "i love my food" written on it.

I laughed when i read it. I thanked them all for coming here and supporting me.

I started feeling weak again like yesterday i guess the affect of pill is going off.

I coughed a few times, i drank the water from the bottle which was given to us.

Fans weren't coming in anymore we were given a break. But my coughing wasn't stoping.

Dylan came over to where i was "hey you okay?" He said keeping his hand on my shoulders.

"Yeah just a lil cough n hungry-ness" i said.

"Let's go we'll have something" he said.

I picked up the envelope and top and other gifts that fans brought me. We walked to the room where everyone else was with food.

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