
5.1K 161 54

Hiccup walked around the Streets of Valhalla. Looking at some of the shops until he sees a red leather dragon logo. The sign under it saying.

"Berk alliance leather crest."

Hiccup chuckled at the stamp. But still walked in the shop regardless.

"Welcome to- it's you." The young store keep looking at hiccup baffled.

"Yeah, its me. Why?"

"I mean it'! You're the reason I have that!"
He said pointing at the Red stamp on the window.

"hanging by the window! Every one here loves Berk! Oh wait! Sorry I'm Just the guy who works here."

"Well I think you know who I am but I'm Hiccup."

The store keeper walks around fixing things on shelves until he hears his door open.

"Hello and welcome Inquisitor."

"Inquisitor? Y/N! Your awake."
Hiccup turned and hugged Y/N. He feels Y/N hug back patting his back with his right hand.

"Hey hiccup. I missed hugging you." His voice sounding soothing.

"I was so worried. But every one told me to calm down. I mean you look like you are completely healed. Not a scratch on you!" Hiccup said and Y/N's half smile fades.


"I.. I didn't come out unscathed."

He took his left arm out hiccup gasped and began to cry.

"Hiccup. Hey come on don't cry. I'll be fine. Weird thing is sometimes I can still... Feel my hand sometimes."

Hiccup hugged Y/N hard burying his face in Y/N's chest. Saying a muffled apology.

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm right handed anyway."

Hiccup looked at Y/N.

"Y/N I'm really sorry."

"You apologize too much. I love you and I would never hate you. This wasn't your fault."

Hiccup hugged Y/N tighter. Until the storekeeper walked behind them both holding two small boxes.

"Excuse me? Inquisitor, Hiccup? I want to give you both these." He said giving Hiccup and Y/N each a box.

Hiccup opened his seeing that it was the red dragon from the window. And Y/N tried to open his but just held it.

"I'll open it when we get home." He chuckles half heartedly.

"Why did you give us these?"

"As a token of appreciation. Y/N came by earlier."

Hiccup looked back.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

Hiccup looked at the patch then remembered something that always made Hiccup wonder.

"Do you guys have a blacksmith around?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I'll tell you later. Would you mind taking me there?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind! Anything my love wants is what he will get." After Y/N said this Hiccup blushed feeling nervous.

"You don't have to say it like that."

"I wanted to. I love you Hiccup."

"I love you too."

Y/N and Hiccup walk over to the blacksmith.

"Inquisitor! What might we offer you today?"

"Oh not me. He would like to see something."

Hiccup stood next to Y/N.

"Okay. so could you maybe look at these designs? I've never had the chance to on Berk."

"Not a problem. Anything else?"

"Could you maybe. Find a place to put this on it."

He handed the red crest . The blacksmith looking at it then at the paper.

"Okay. Got it."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. And Y/N sir! Hail"

Y/N hailed back.

"To me I guess."

"Sir! Your hand!"

"Yes I know."

"Would you like a prosthetic?"

"Actually."hiccup said raising his hand slightly. "I was gonna talk to him about that."

"Ah I see. Well if you come to a conclusion. Be sure to come to us. After all this is the best steel in all of the land."

Hiccup chuckled.

Y/N and hiccup stop near Y/N's house.


"Yes Hiccup?."

"I want to make you a prosthetic. Like the one I did for toothless 2 years ago. He couldn't fly alone so I made him a fake tail fin that would allow him to fly on his own."

"Hiccup I. Thank you hiccup. Really I do. Thank you for considering that. That would be great."

Y/N hugged Hiccup tightly.

"This wasn't your fault... We will prepare to hunt him down. Him and his dragon!"

Hiccup tensed at Y/N's sudden burst of anger.

"I won't let him or anyone else harm my home or yours."

"Y/N let's just slow down a while. You just got back and all I want right now is for us to settle in."

"I- You're right. I'm sorry Hiccup."

"Now come on let's get inside."

Y/N and Hiccup walked inside the house closing the door.


This note is for those who are reading and the counter says 3k reads and the date is 4/22/16

So I'm making a long chapter for the next part for both celebration of 3K, and as a... You know what. I'll keep that secret. But just wait a while (sorry.) and it will be done soon.

At the edge Hiccup/Male Dragon rider readerWhere stories live. Discover now