Talk and walk

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Y/N walked out of the dragon hangar. His face turning red with anger and sadness. He heard someone walking behind it. One foot and a metal clank.

"Hiccup. Give me a moment. I need to think."

"Y/N I'm sorry about Astrid I didn't think she would ever be like that again."

"Was she like that before?"

"When I first trained toothless she was to busy being the star dragon killing Viking. She was kinda stuck up. But when I showed her what it's like to fly she opened up. But I guess I should've seen... This coming."

"Well I'm sorry for her. I would've loved flying."

Y/N and hiccup both laughed.
"Before you left hydra and toothless played together."

"That's great. Hydra made a new friend."

"Yeah. Hey listen would you like to take a tour around the edge. With me?"

"Yeah of course who else would I take it with?"

Astrid sat in her saddle looming at Y/N and Hiccup talking she began to fly away. Towards the water. With a map in her hand.

At the edge Hiccup/Male Dragon rider readerWhere stories live. Discover now