Walking through a Winter Wonderland

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Alaria's POV

As the hosts began making their way through the park they made conversation. None of which was about the Club. But, even then, I wasn't paying much attention.

The park was layered with snow, bathed in it. The trees' leaves were definitely gone, either dead in the snow or were dead on the ground before the snow hit. I could imagine what every single flower looked like, what the clear grass felt like. It was soothing.

A large group of kids ran across the path in front of us, playing tag. Tamaki watched then curiously, as if he'd never played tag before. So I confronted him. "What, you've never played tag before?" I asked nonchalantly. Tamaki shook his head. "No. Would you like to teach me how, Haruhi?" He was making a puppy dog face, and I knew Haruhi would fall for it. "Okay, yeah." And they walked away.

Kyoya led the rest of us through the park, the others continuing with whatever conversations they were having before Tamaki left. Again, my attention wavered.

I'd never truly been to a park before. I'd crossed through them, but never bothered to actually stay and have a look around.

Parents were piled on benches and in gazebos, conversing and making friends. Their children were running about the park, but not straying too far from their mothers. The feel of protection is better than the want to be free, I thought. There were a few dogs and cats. None of which I considered walking up to and petting. Not that they were scary, just that I'd lose the path and drag Kaoru with me.

Now that I thought about it, the park was much like that of a Christmas song, "A Winter Wonderland" I think the name was. Close enough, if I'm not right.

Kaoru's hand around mine felt dull, as if there was no emotion in it. It felt like a minor heat source, but nothing else. I had a feeling that, if I were holding Kyoya's hand, the feeling would differ greatly.

But, for all our sakes, I kept my mouth shut. I couldn't bare to hurt Kaoru, but I hated seeing Kyoya the way he is. No one else seemed to be as observant as I was.

Or maybe I'm just bragging?

Kaoru's hand strayed from mine for a moment, and I looked at him for any signs of trouble. He was looking off into the trees, hands clenched at his sides. I looked over his shoulder to see what had upset him, but he turned and grabbed my hand again before I could see. Who was it that sparked such an odd fire in Kaoru?

The path narrowed to the highway, showing the most famous and expensive of the stores in the "commoner" part of town. There were restaurants, all with dim neon signs. None of these shops were open. Not that it mattered; we weren't going over there.

As I'd predicted, we didn't leave the park. We, instead, sat down at a snow-covered concrete bench. Somehow, we all managed to fit.

We sat there for a bit, just sitting in silence.

Before the trouble started.


So, this is the 2nd to last chapter of Bitten...

Dx Somone kill me now so I don't have to finish it! I kind of dont want to! But every story comes to an end eventually, I suppose.


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