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A/n: I'm Person of Interest trash so here ya go! If you watch it too then you'll know who is playing who. Sorry this takes a while to build and it isn't like oozing in Rilaya like the last one, but I actually really love this one. Also I used actual dialogue from the show for one part. Enjoy!

"Miss Hart, I must advise you that taking the east stairwell will prove to be much more efficient and safe-"

The ex-solider smirks and scoffs before pulling out her pistols. "Safe? Now Farkle, what's the fun in that?" She speaks cooly as she marches down the hotel hallway, right towards the Russian gang members looking for her.

"I think getting out of there in one piece and being alive is pretty fun if I do say so myself Miss Hart." Minkus's voice comes through the comm in a strict and worried toned. Her smirk just stretches as she rounds a corner and comes up to a lone member. She whistles to him before she fires off a couple rounds into his kneecaps. He falls with a yelp before she walks over to him and smoothly hits him behind the head, knocking him out.

"Sorry Minkus, Lucas got to do target practice earlier. I feel like I deserve some practice of my own." She says slightly out of breath, stalking off around another corner.

She hears the short chuckle that only Friar would consider a laugh. "Wasn't all that fun Hart." She comes up to 3 more men entering a room.

She stops short to make sure the door shuts behind them before making sure her pistols have enough ammo. "Getting to shoot someone, is what I consider fun Lukey." She kicks the door open and with scary accuracy, shoots all three men in their kneecaps. Her smirk falls and a sigh escapes her lips. She was wanting something more challenging, but beggars can't be choosers. Rolling her eyes at their cries of pain, she strolls out of the room towards the west stairwell.

"Well, I certainly hope that satisfied your death wish Miss Hart. Now would you please go towards the east stairs."

"The west ones are closer Minkus. Besides my death wish isn't satisfied, yet." She decides to turn off her comm when she hears the computer genius about to go off into another rant. She has trained with the best and has taken down people far more dangerous than a couple of low ranked Russian gang members. She doesn't need someone to protect her, she does the protecting. That's how it has been and always will be.


7 more Russian gang members, 15 more bullets and 20 minutes later Hart comes strolling back to their hideout with a scowl on her face. The old and abandon subway station made perfect sense for them. It wasn't on any of the maps of the city and it didn't have any cameras, Samaritan's prying eyes couldn't see them.

The two men turn away from the computer and notice that the blonde has seen better days. "Well, someone doesn't look too happy."Friar tries to say in a teasing tone, but it comes out monotone as if he's talking about the weather.

Hart shoots daggers his way as she passes by them and heads to her stash of alcohol. "Can it." She bites out and that's when Minkus notices her left shoulder is bleeding.

"Oh my, Miss Hart are you-"

"I'm fine. One of those damn goons got the jump on me." She takes a swing out of whatever bottle is closer. Friar blinks once before turning back to the monitor. Minkus still stares worryingly at the nonchalant soldier. Hart licks her lips before pouring some of the liquid onto her wound. She hisses lightly as Minkus's eyes widen.

"Uh Miss Hart...isn't that a bit well...unsanitary?" She rolls her eyes and puts back the bottle before striding across the room to their medical supplies.

She tears off the sleeve of her shirt. "If you remember correctly Minkus, I've had medical training," she starts to patch up the wound where the bullet grazed, "have you?" She gives a pointed look that, frankly, terrifies him.

Rilaya DrabblesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang