Wish we could be like that

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A/n: Sorry I haven't updated in years, unfortunately you'll have to get use to it. Anyway, I'm Little Mix trash so this story was inspired by their song Secret Love Song pt. 2!

"God she's so hot." Lucas sighs out at their lunch table. It takes everything in Maya not to throw her tray at him. Although, it's not like the brunette is really hers, not to the public's eye.

Instead Maya rolls her eyes and tears her eyes away from the brunette. Looking at her smiling and laughing only tears her heart up a little. Especially, with those baseball boys around her, don't they know anything about personal space? But this is what makes her great, Maya knows where her heart lies, those boys aren't a threat. Every time I see you I die a little more."Quit drooling Ranger Rick, makes you look desperate." She chooses to ignore the tater tot hitting her head.

"Shut it. Now, be my bro for a few minutes and give me a pep talk." He ends with smacking the table a couple of times. Maya raises an eyebrow and continues to chew her sandwich.

"Wah?" She asks through a mouthful of food. Maya doesn't give two shits if anyone else sees, just gives the guy's around here a reason not to ask her out.

Lucas shakes his head a laughs. "You are so a bro." Maya nods her head in acknowledgment. "Anyway, I need you to give me confidence to go ask her out." Maya is now currently choking on her food and Lucas is terrified she'll drop dead right here. Oh god, what a way to go out. Death by sandwich. Maya thinks to herself as she coughs hysterically. For his part, Lucas has moved from across Maya to next to her, patting her back gently. "Whoa, you gonna be okay short stack? Or-"

"You can't ask Riley out!" She spits out. For a moment Lucas looks confused then hurt.

He furrows his eyebrows before dropping his hand. "Why not?" Shit. Maya feels like a deer caught in headlights. Now why the fuck can't he.

She can't tell him Riley has a boyfriend, because everyone knows she doesn't. She can't tell him he's not her type, because well cowboy is perfect. "Because, umm-uhh because she-you-uhh.."

"Wait," he holds up a hand and slowly stands, "you...you think I'm not good enough. You" he points at Maya, "think she's out of my league." He says not in anger, but in a sad tone.

Maya cringes, Lucas is beyond good enough, but this situation is different. "Lucas no I-" the ending bell for lunch rings out and soon the whole room drowns out Maya's words. The last thing she sees is Lucas's upset expression before he's swept away by the crowd. Great, my best friend hates me now. She sighs before packing her stuff up and merging into the sea of people.


Maya drags her feet down the hallway, trying to figure out how to apologize to Lucas. So she's not prepared for someone to grab her and tug her inside the janitor's closet. It's so dark inside the room, she can't even see an inch in front of her. The blonde balls up her fist and immediately goes into a defensive stance. Thank you mom for making me take boxing. She's ready for a fight, but her dissolve melts the second she feels those soft hands on her cheeks.

"Calm down there, Ronda." Chills run up her spin as the brunette whispers in her ear. Before she can make a smart remark back, familiar lips press onto hers. Maya loves how Riley locks her arms around her head and that her nails slightly dig into her hair. Maya grins into the kiss and grips Riley's hips, pulling her closer. The brunette gasps lightly and presses herself more into Maya. Encouraged by the response, Maya gently bites at Riley's lower lip and digs her fingers into her hips. All of this leaves Riley breathless and needing to break the kiss to breathe.

Both pairs of hands relax their holds and Maya definitely loves how Riley plays with her hair. Maya feels a forehead against hers, she leans forward to peck those addictive lips. "Pulling me into a closet Miss Matthews, you're just asking for me to make a closet joke."

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