Is She Really a Hurricane?

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A/n: Part 2 of Hurricane!! If you haven't read the first part, please do so. Also an amazing person has decided to also write a Rilaya fic with this idea in mind and y'all should check out Simple Hurricane by cxssiejones 

It's not Maya's fault she forgot to turn off her alarm. Then again she wasn't expecting a body to be in her bed either. At first she thought her teammates snuck into her room and tied her down to her bed, again. Instead her vision was filled with purple and a warm breath was hitting her neck and she remembered, Riley.

"Are you fucking kidding me. You have a damn alarm." How can someone still sound so hostile in the morning?

Maya groans. "Yeah, I do have early morning practice sometimes." Riley would rather have her tongue sawed off than admit, she very much likes the blonde's raspy morning voice.

Shaking that out of her head, she lifts her head to shoot daggers at the girl and blindly reaches behind herself for that god damn noise. "And yet you can't make it to an 8o'clock class? Unbelievable." She doesn't mean to shove the phone so hard into Maya's chest, but the music coming from it is awful. "And who the fuck practices at 5 in the morning?" She groans before rolling out of the steady embrace.

Riley will never ever admit it, but she has never slept better in a really long time and that almost scares her, almost. "And what in the fuck kind of music was that. It sounded like someone drugged up the singer and shoved cotton balls in his mouth."

God, she fucking hates the way Maya's eyebrow raises. "You mean The 1975? Dude, what the fuck? Matt Healey is a fucking poet."

"How the fuck can you even tell. I swear to god Hart you have the shittiest taste in-"

"Then explain to me why you're all Halsey as fuck now?" Riley can't stand that stupid smirk or that Maya held her last night with no questions asked. She can't stand that Maya noticed her music or that she notices how bad Riley shakes. Mostly she hates the fact that her face heats up, but not in the normal way.

Any other day Riley would've spit out her venomous words and stormed out of the room, then again she would have never been in this room to begin with. Riley opts to send Maya a harsh glare and a "Fuck off." Before swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

Maya doesn't know why, but seeing Riley about to leave has her in a panic. She would rather sell her signed uswnt soccer jersey than admit that out loud, ok no she wouldn't but it's the thought that counts. "Uh wait! I'm sorry Riley, yo-you don't have to leave-I mean you can leave because free country and all, but-I uh" Has Riley ever mention she hates how Maya stalls on saying what she wants? It just ticks Riley off more.

"Son of a fuck Hart! Will you just say whatever it is!" Maya should've thrown back a sarcastic reply, any other day she would've, but she hears how Riley's voice wavers and even in the dim light she can see Riley's hands shake just slightly.

Maya says something neither one expects. "Stay." She says with so much sincerity, Riley wants to punch a wall. Damn these fucking weird feelings. Riley hates this Maya, the one that uses this soft voice and actually cares. She actually misses their banter, but the spark that Maya is creating, is much more intense than their petty arguments ever brought out.

But the soccer star doesn't need to know this and Riley is not about to go soft. "Jesus fucking Christ, I was just gonna go to the bathroom, relax." She quite likes how red Maya's face turns and how she scratches her neck, it kinda makes Riley wanna kiss her.

"I mean like-uh you can stay while I go to practice. It's only for an hour today and-uh well uh yeah."

"Jesus Hart, how clingy can you be?" Riley doesn't mean it, but she's not about to ease up on Maya just because she was nice to her a few times.

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