You're the Tobin to my Alex

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A/n: Ok straight up I am always a slut for soccer and y'all are lucky that all my one shots haven't had soccer incorporated into it somehow. But trust me that in each story Maya is total soccer trash. Also this one shot takes a bit to build up so sorry about that! Lastly don't worry this isn't like my last one so please, enjoy!

Riley can't remember a time her legs have felt this on fire or her lungs felt like they're about to shrivel up and fucking fall off. Oh wait, that time was last week against this same team.

Fucking hell. Another slide tackle sends their other forward crashing down and of course no, fucking, call."Ladies! Let's pick it up!" She doesn't understand, last week they won against these guys pretty easily, 4-2. Now Riley glances at the scoreboard to see that horrid 2-1, this is not her state champion team.

Taking charge, Riley sprints across the midfield, right as the ball is being passed. With ease, she intercepts the ball and takes it down the sideline. She almost wants to laugh at how the other team struggles to keep up with her, almost.

One defender tries to halt her progress, but she nutmegs her easily and sees the goal. Riley's mind empties out, not thinking about how she needs to bend her legs or how she needs to curl the ball to avoid the goalie or where she needs to kick on the ball or where to place her weaker foot, no seconding guessing she just lets instincts take over and...

"Goal! Riley Matthews has tied the game!" The announcer screams out.  She loves the roar of the crowd and the praises she gets from her teammates. Riley believes everyone has a reason to be on this earth, hers is to be a soccer star. It sounds shallow and meaningless, but to her it's everything.

"Alright ladies! It's not over yet! We can do this!" She yells out encouragingly and hurries out to cover her opponent.

About 15 minutes later, Riley really wants to kill her defense.

She knew Missy was slacking, hell the whole team knew. She told coach not to put her in and what happens. Missy gets put in at the 80th minute and manages to let the opponent slip pass her and score. It was like she wasn't even trying, she might as well have guided her to the net and that pissed Riley off even more.

She knows there is only seconds left and if Alex Morgan can score in the 122nd minute then she can score in the 92nd minute. A perfectly executed pass is sent her way and Riley is weaving through the opponents, feeling like a star player, but of course reality comes crashing down and she is no Alex Morgan.

The ending whistles ring out and the air leaves Riley. Fucking 3-2, unbelievable. She doesn't care about the crowd, she drops to her knees in the middle of the pitch in a very dramatic like fashion. It really wasn't an important game, but Riley is use to always winning and she doesn't do second place.

She waits out on the field until a hand rest on her shoulder. She swears if it's Missy, she will use her head for shooting practice. "Can't win them all champ."

Riley blows out a frustrated breath and looks up at her friend. "Yeah, but I can try." Spencer chuckles at the ambitious forward and shakes her head.

"You, Riley Matthews are the most competitive shit I know."

"You have obviously never met Alex Morgan."

Spencer smirks. "Oh, and you have." Riley really hates her best friend sometimes.

"Shut the fuck up. One day I will. Now help me up." She hits her hand against the older girl's thigh and waits impatiently. Spencer can only roll her eyes and lift up the girl with ease.

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