Day 7

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After an hour of walking through the dark streets, they finally reached the military base. They amble up to the gate, tired and weary from the long trip. Once up to the tall gates topped with barbed wire, they see a familiar and unexpected face. "Malia? Is that really you?" Stiles questions, his voice shaking ever so slightly. Malia turns her head around quickly to make eye contact with Stiles, who then looks at the ground.

"In the flesh. What can I do ya for?" Malia sounds perky, awake. She can't see how worn out the small group of friends are.

"Well, we are actually here to join the fight, but it would be great to crash here for one night first. We have been walking for over an hour." Derek chimes in. He gets straight to the point, hoping to get easy entry. Malia look at the group skeptically, not sure what to do. She soon gives in and opens up the door. It creaks open, causing heads to turn inside. Everyone scurries in, happy to finally be safe and have a place to stay. Malia walk them quietly to a small room filled with bunk beds. There are about 10 total, all messy and unkempt.

"Malia we really cannot thank you enough for letting us stay here." Stiles puts on his smile, the one he has been working on since his best friend Alice died. The one he had to wear at school when his mom died. The one he wore when people asked about his dad.

Malia walks out of the room slowly, looking lost. "Hey you guys, I'm really sorry I disappeared on y'all during your rough times, but I'm here now, and I won't leave any of you behind." Malia then left, her head bowed down in embarrassment. Stiles runs after her, barely catching her before the elevator doors go open.

"Hey, Malia. I actually had an idea on how to fight the zombies. We have werewolves and supernatural beings everywhere. Including you. I also found this dagger that I think might be able the kill off not just the zombie, but all of the zombies it spawned."

"Stiles, it's too dangerous. I am not risking these peoples lives for our own sake. They can risk their lives willingly, but they will never be forced here." Malia almost walks into the elevator before Stiles grabs her arm and pulls her back.

"Listen. I don't care about my life, I have nothing left to live for, but my friends in there have something to risk their lives for. They have hope. They have the possibility to heal. And I know one of them that would risk his life for me any day. So you know what, If you don't send other people out to fight, then we will go alone. We just may not return." Stiles suddenly hears footsteps walking down the hall. Three large men walk towards the duo quickly.

"Ms.Hale, don't tell me you are listening to this fool. We have to stay here and prepare weapons in case the walking dead breaks through our gate. That is the only way for us to survive." says a tall man with a black hoodie. I can see a tattoo on his wrist of the radiation sign. His voice is deep and loud, overpowering the large hallways.

"He does have a point Stiles. We can't just risk people's lives. We have to save ours." Malia sounds skeptical of the plan, even though she knows somewhere it will work.

"Malia, please. We have some people. Just let us do this. You guys can continue to build weapons while we go try and defeat the zombies. Just let us go, Malia." Malia's face then softens. Stiles knows his argument will win, even without hearing her thoughts.

"Fine. You guys can start in the morning. Just go get some sleep, you have very dark bags under your eyes." Then she was off. Her footsteps echoing from corridor to corridor. He walks back slowly like a sloth, his hands heavy by his side. The ceilings stretch upward for yards, making it easy for Stiles to see everything. He sees kids running around, young couples holding hands, even and elderly woman walking with someone who appears to be a granddaughter. Everything appears normal...

We stand right outside the large stone building, looking up high just to see the top. It was time to go attempt to end this. No longer will people hide in fear, and no longer will they have to fight these creatures.

Stiles leads the group, his dagger loosely placed in his hand. He stopped and turned to Derek, not knowing whether this would be their last encounter or not. "Derek, I don't really know how to say this, but-" he is cut off by Derek.

"I know." Derek kisses slowly, making sure to make the moment last. Then, they parted. Stiles walks towards a zombie, quickly stabbing it's head with a loud cracking noise. Suddenly a dozen zombies drop instantly. All dead without being touched. Stiles continues his short journey until just minutes before 6:00 pm. He raises his hand, about to stab a zombie that appeared crippled, when he was struck by something. An arrow. It want straight through his chest, leaving but a hole where there used to be a human soul.

"Sorry Stiles. But now you know how I felt. Call it even?" Allison says as she walks past him. His body now laid limp in the tall grass, blood slowly puddling around his body. Soon, there was nothing left for his friends to identify him with. The zombies came, eating every inch of flesh, meat, and organs still left on him. Suddenly, his heroic story turned into one of revenge. Into one that no one speaks of...

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