Day One; The Informing

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The static of the radio wakes him up, his hair askew and the sheets off his bed. He can pick out certain words. "They're coming... run... the disease has spread... zombies." Zombies? he thinks. He thinks to the night before last, a faint memory of his father runs through his mind. "Run, Stiles, run!" his father shouted. He seemed to be fighting off someone, or something, but it was too dark to tell. Knowing it was in his best interest to listen to his father, he ran. His common sense won out. He ran for a few seconds, but he couldn't help but save his father. He turns around, telling himself that he can beat that person, but he was too late. His father lay on the ground, struggling for breathe as he reaches for a gun. Stiles sees a shadow walk around a corner, but decides not to go after it. He could take a couple hits, but he sure couldn't throw them. He would be in the same position as his father if he did. Even though he would regret it, Stiles leaves his fathers body in the forest. He may be genious level intellegence, but at the sight of his father like that he might as well be a two year old again. Even though he barely remebers it, Stiles misses the days when he was two. Before his moms accident. Before her death. It has haunted him since he was old enough to realize what had actually happened.

Althoug he has gone through some rough patches in his life, Stiles always remained possitive. At school he was number one in his class, captain of the lacrosse team, and the most popular boy in school. He was one of the most attractive guys in the school, and always got the girl. Guys envied him, girls wanted him, and he just wanted to be left alone. He laughed as his friends told him stories about the times they wished they were him. He didn't feel perfect sometimes, but his friends and "fanbase" made him feel like it.

As he hears something move in the backyard, he realizes that he is not safe there anymore. He grabed one of his dads guns and stuffed it in a duffle bag along with a baseball bat and his cell phone. He assumes that if his phone dies, he could just grab a charger at the closest store. He walks out the of the houe, moving as slowely as possible. Unfortunately the house begins to schreech, and it catches the interest of something down the street. It tries to hobble towards the house, moving as slow as a snail. Stiles, with his curiosity peeking through, walks towards it. As he gets closer, he realizes that it was true. There really are zombies walking through the street. Stiles runs back to house and cocks the shotgun he had put into the duffle bag. He shoots that gun, and the bullet his the zombie right in the head. It falls to the ground, a grumble coming from his mouth. That's when the rest of them come. They were attracted to the sound. Stiles stuffs the gun back into the duffle bag and runs for the backdoor. The woods behind his house were dense. Dense enough to where he could climb tree to tree without touching the ground. He climbs up the closest tree and, instead of climbing along, stays to observe. He sits a top a tree and watches as the creatures hobble and crawl towards him. As one get too close for comfort, it walks straight into a branch and it puntures it fleshless head so easily. Like putting a toothpick into a block of cheese. It lays limp, nor a noise or a movement comes from it. This is when Stiles decides to move along. He has seen enough to scar him for a lifetime, if he lasts that long. The trees seem to go on forever, but that was Beacon Hills for you. Basically abandoned exept for a few shops here and there. There are forests all over the place. At least if he needed to hide, all Stiles had to do was climb up a tree.

The thought of his dad haunts his mind as he climbs down a tree and walks towards an abandoned shack. Or at least it looked abandoned. He walks inside and falls to the floor in tears, realizing that he will never get his father back. Thats when he hears someone walking down the steps. He braces himself for whats to come, and can't believe his eyes when he see's who it is...

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