Chapter 9: Lost in Paradise

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We can see the blue sea from afar before we could enter the cabin. The sea breeze is blowing through our hairs as we approach closer to our cabin. The surrounding is really neat, scenic and breath-taking. It gives you the vibrant feeling of serenity and tranquillity. The place is not open to public, wise choice by Louis. That means we won’t worry about fans and paparazzis watching every move we make.

“Aah! Bliss!” I sigh after lying down on the bed.

Eleanor and Perrie drop their bags on their beds and plop down as well.

“Val, are you sure about ignoring the boys?” Eleanor sighs while turning her body sideways, facing me. Her elbows leans on the surface of the bed while the side of her head leans on her hand.

“Yeah? Because I miss Zayn already.” Perrie murmurs behind Eleanor.

I quickly sit straight up while frowning at them, “Of course,” I tell them firmly while they look at me with wide eyes and I cross my arms upon my stomach. ”Girls, you should know by now that even if we’re already their girlfriends, they should still exert efforts to please us. Challenge them a little bit. After all, we should teach them a lesson.”

“Fair enough, I think you have a point.” Eleanor remarks, looking down to her bed. She makes random traces on it with her forefinger and smiling at herself, as if she just had a mirthful memory.

“Trust me, okay? I have a great feeling about this.” I encourage them. Harry would probably snap at me when he finds out I’m the one who instigated the little fight. While we were still travelling on our way here, I texted the girls to not talk to the boys when we get to the resort, and they agreed.

“How do you know a lot?” Perrie asks. She sits up on her bed, looking at me quizzically.

“I watch a lot of romantic-comedy movies.” I chuckle to myself. If it’s not even the lamest reason I could come up with.

“Lame.”  They confirm my thoughts as they giggle with each other. It’s indeed lame.

“What’s wrong about that? Duh. I may be the youngest of us but I know stuffs. I swear you’ll love the outcome of this.” I stated assuredly.

“Okay.” Eleanor’s voice cracks tediously, fluttering her eyes close momentarily until unconsciousness completely takes over her.

The three of us decided to rest for a while after three hours of travel on the road. It is indeed a tiresome trip.


A knock on the door wake me up since I’m the one closest to it. I’ve just lost track of time and it’s already dark outside. I slide the door open and a male resort employee appears in front of me.

“Good Evening, Ma’am.” He greets blithely.

“Good Evening.” I greet back while rubbing my eyes.

“Your companions already await you at the restaurant for the dinner.” He informs.

“Okay, we’ll be right over. Thanks.” I yawn and stretch my arms before he finally decides to leave.

I walk over to where Eleanor and Perrie lay and I wobble their shoulders one after the other. “Girls, wake up.”

After seconds of shaking their bodies, their eyes finally flutter open and they yawn simultaneously.

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