Chapter 8: End of May

Start from the beginning

“Hey!” She cheers and opens her arms to hug the both of us.

Eleanor’s frazzled state turns into a surprised and more curious one when Danielle squeezed us.

“What brings you two here?” Danielle blithely asks. “I missed you both.” She giggles.

Eleanor and I share a confused look at each other. I find it funnier because at the back of my mind, I think that El has been just overreacting and Danielle’s just fine all along.

Danielle ushers us inside her humble abode and asks cordially, “Would you like something to drink-- Coffee, tea, juice? Anything?”

El and I comfortably seated at the lounge. We didn’t comply with Dani’s offer. I peer at her and drag my look to El, my brows narrow in curiosity. I wonder why El thought she’s not okay. She looks perfectly fine. Then I remember that Eleanor has a way of interpreting any person’s emotion just by the sound of their voice, simple blink of the eye, any gesture really. She wouldn’t react about something if it’s really nothing.

“Hey, Dani. You’re okay, right?” I speak up and ask her anyway. If Eleanor was some sort of psychic, I am the dumbest person ever—insensitive, that’s the exact word to describe me.

“Yeah, why?” She responds while smiling. So El is some psychic, I’m insensitive, and Danielle is collected. I can already feel the little crack in her voice but she somehow looks convincing; that she’s fine.

“Well, if you are then …” I stare at her and then drag my look to Eleanor, “… what was Eleanor talking about you not being okay earlier? She just dragged me in here because she thought you have a problem.”

“I don’t know…” She starts meekly, her voice fading a little. She looks away for a close second and then she looks back to us. This time her eyes are a bit of hurt or something. So Eleanor was right, “… but I got some news for you.” She sighs and continues, “Liam and I …”

El and I scoot to the edge of our seats and anticipate for Danielle’s next words.

“… We’re done.” She drops the bomb and I nearly fall from my sit. What? How the heck did that happen? Is this serious?

“What? Why? What happened? Are you okay?” Eleanor mumbles through her words, asking too many questions at a time. The same kind of questions that were in my head but I did not verbalize.  I remain silent and process her words into my thoughts. I can’t believe it.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not happy that they’ve broken up just because I have a thing going on for Liam. But Danielle is my friend and I am willing to put my feelings behind me for the sake of her. Besides, my crush with Liam is already gradually subsiding as time goes by. I feel sorry for the both of them. I just don’t know how to react. All along, I thought Danielle is the luckiest girl on earth to ever date a gentleman, sensible and smart guy like Liam.  How could she ever let him go?

“Don’t worry, girls. It was a mutual decision. I’m even happier because it wasn’t a bad breakup after all, and we decided to remain friends.” Dani explains. The smile in her eyes that can’t seem to reach her eyes tells me that she’s still affected but genuinely contented for how everything turns out. How can you possibly be friends with your ex-lover?

“Are you sure you’re okay?” El asks, still worried. I smile at Eleanor in remorse for not believing in her instinct a while ago.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” She replies with conviction and the smile in her face doesn’t seem to wear off. Yeah, I think she’s fine. But at the back of my head, I’m still hoping they can work out everything.

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