"Nice job, little Munchkin!" Emmett says through fits of laughter.

"After seeing your face, I'm glad I hid that vision from you." I say as I try to control my laughter.

"You saw that she would do that, and you didn't think to warn me?" Edward asks glaring at me.

"I was not about to spoil her fun." I say smiling at Bella.

Edward stops glaring at me and looks back at Bella, who shoves another yogurt puff in his mouth and he makes his disgusted face again. We all erupt in laughter again.

"It was even better a second time." Emmett says laughing as he falls to the floor and on to his side.

"If your not going to eat, then I will take it away, Bella." Edward says reaching for the bowl, but Bella moves it away and begins to eat from it.

"Don't be such a sour butt, Edward. She was having fun, and we were enjoying it." Rosalie says from the couch.

Edward gives Rosalie an annoyed look, and then shakes his head, probably answering a silent question she asked.

"Ed?" A tiny voice says, we all look at Bella who is holding her bowl up to Edward.

"Did she just?" Esme asks too shocked to ask the full question.

"Did you say that, Bella?" Edward asks watching her.

"Ed. Ed. Ed." Bella says looking up and gives her Two teeth smile.

We all crowd around Edward and Bella. I am the first one to take Bella away from Edward and hoist her in the air. Clapping and cheers fill the room again.

"Make that Two designer outfits." I say.

"Say my name Bella." Emmett says taking her from me.

"Ed." Bella simply says.

"No, Bella. I'm Em." Emmett tries to get her to say.

"Ed." Bella says and we all burst out in laughter as Emmett gives her a fake pouty face.

"Give it a rest, Emmett. She's not going to say your name, Edward is her favorite after all." Jasper says, clapping Emmett on the back and takes Bella from him.

"Jas." Bella says pointing to Jasper once he takes her from Emmett.

"Oh, come on. She'll say your name, but she won't say mine." Emmett says crossing his arms.

"Ed... Jas... Ro... Ace... Mama... Dada." Bella says slowly as she points to us one by one as she says our names.

"Okay, now that's not fair." Emmett says as he goes and sits on the couch, while we all stand around Bella clapping.

"Bella, if you say Emmett's name, you get a full closet of designer clothes." I say trying to coax her into saying his name.

"Bribing her with clothes? Really, Alice you think that will work?" Carlisle asks.

"It's worth a shot." I say.

"Jas." Bella says looking down at the floor and then to Emmett.

Jasper sets Bella on her feet, we all silently watch as she wobbles her way over to Emmett. She grabs onto his leg once she is close to him.

"What do you want, Munchkin? Cause you don't seem to like me right now." Emmett says a bit upset as he picks Bella up and sits her on his lap. Bella lays her head on Emmett's chest and snuggles into him.

"It's okay, Munchkin. You don't have to say my name if you don't want to." Emmett says wrapping his arms around her.

"Em." Bella says as she lifts her head to look at Emmett, then puts her head back down.

"Yay, you finally said it little Munchkin." Emmett says a bit to excitedly and throws Bella up in the air and then catches her.

"Careful, Emmett. You can't just do that to her." Esme says as Emmett catches Bella.

Bella looks around at everyone, then rubs her eyes and yawns.

"Nap time, Bella?" Edward asks, Bella stretches her arms out and Edward runs to Emmett and takes Bella in his arms.

"Ed." Bella says tiredly, then lays her head on Edward's shoulder and slowly closes her eyes.

Edward dashes up the stairs, with a sleeping Bella in his arms. From upstairs we can all hear him start to hum a slow and soft melody.

"Well, that's all of the excitement we are going to get today." After I say this everyone goes their separate ways, quietly talking amongst ourselves about how far Bella has come since she came into our lives and questioning how she'll turn out when she gets older.

I stay quiet, and keep my thoughts hidden from Edward, when some -mainly Emmett- start to question how she'll be when she is older. Because I already know how things will turn out for her, and neither future is what any of us will expect.

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