"Awesome!" I grinned wildly.

"I'll send your friends back in and I'll send a nurse back to check on you in about an hour," he smiled before walking out.

  It didn't take long for my two best friends to walk through the door and plop down in the chairs beside my bed. They both look exhausted, but they were still smiling.

"When are you getting out?" Alice asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon," I said with a grin.


 Five days have passed since I was released from the hospital. We were back to a somewhat normal schedule. Jack and Alice have been coming over with random junk food, movies, and board games. We've spent a lot of time together the past few days. I haven't slept much and I don't think anyone has noticed yet. I've been staying up all night on the computer to keep myself from falling asleep. I've been reading a lot about space and scientific stuff. I'm not sure what got me to start researching space. I think it started when I watched something on the discovery channel about the universe. The thought that there are so many things undiscovered is so amazing.


  The weekend passed slowly maybe because I still haven't really slept. It's Sunday night, I got back to school tomorrow. My first time back since the accident. Jack and Alice were going to be picking me up tomorrow. I'm excited, but I'm worried that I might get held back because of all the school I've missed. Jack told me that everything would be okay, but I just think he said that to make me feel better. Alice said she was willing to cheat for me, but I can't let her do that.

"Alex try and get some sleep I want you to feel your best tomorrow," my mom said through the door.

"Okay, goodnight mom."

"Goodnight sweetheart."

  I somehow managed to tear myself away from the conspiracy theory I was reading on my computer and get myself into bed. I laid there for about forty minutes before I was taken by sleep.

  I woke up to the sound of my mother knocking on my door, telling me to get ready for school. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. For the first time in about a week I actually slept for more than four hours. I pulled myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my pyjamas. Once the water was at the right temperature I stepped it. The hot water washed over me, taking away the tiredness. I scrubbed my hair and started working on washing the rest of my body. After I rinsed off and got out I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back to my room. It didn't take long for mew to decide on a pair of American flag skinny jeans and a grey V-neck. I pulled on my clothes and got to work on my mess of hair. I blow dried and style it until I was satisfied with the result. I pulled on my shoes, grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs. My mom was sat at table, looking over paper for work and sipping coffee.

"Good morning sweetheart," she smiled, looking up from her work.

"Morning," I smiled as I made my way into the kitchen.

  I Poured myself a bowl of cereal and took a seat at the table. My mom and I talked about random things until the doorbell sounded, signaling that Jack and Alicce were here. I put my bowl in the sink, kissed my mom's cheek and walked out the door. I was greeted with multiple kisses all over my face from Jack. I squeaked and started giggling like a girl. He laughed and pulled me into a hug.

"Good morning," He whispered, brushing his nose against my nose.

"Morning," I smiled, pressing my lips against his.

  He smiled against my lips and slowly pulled away. I grinned up at him, taking his hand and leading the way to Alice's car. Alice was sitting in the drivers seat headbanging and playing air guitar to what's my age again by Blink 182. I couldn't help but laugh at how crazy she looked. Jack and I got in the back seat and buckled up. Alice started up the car and started driving towards school. We pulled up to the school singing All The Small Things at the top of our lungs with all the windows rolled down. A few people stopped and stared at us when we pulled into the parking lot.

"Welcome back to hell Alex!" Alice announced after shutting off the car

"It's great to be back!" I laughed.



I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in weeks. It's been crazy the past few weeks and I've been stuck. I looked and saw that this story has over 700 reads and I just want to say thank you so much for reading my story, it means a lot to me. I'm currently working on a new Jalex story and I've posted the intro to a new story called Outlines so if you check that out it would be awesome. Be sure to comment and vote because feedback makes me want to work on the story. I would like to say that updates will be slow because I start up my senior year Tuesday (wish me luck). Love you guys, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week.


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