Chapter 3 #WritingWithGrace

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The shadowy figure stands there dramatically as we all stare up in confusion. Who is this person that obnoxiously announces their arrival? The storm is obviously NOT fun. The figure flies at our group like a demon. Everybody screams excessively as the figure keeps saying the same thing over and over. As we run from the figure I notice Mr. Kevin is the only one not afraid. 

He laughs dramatically, "It's just a mannequin with wheels." He walks up to it and grabs its arm as it flings around rapidly. He does the tango with it until he can reach for the off switch. He pulls a recorder from its chest as it repeats, "Fun storm, eh?" 

"It was a recorder?" I ask as my cheeks flush red. We all back away from each other. I brush myself off to try and play off my fear. 

"I wasn't even scared!" yelled Harry defensively. His buddies backed him up with pats on the back and loud whoops.

"I was," Crush admits. "Something unknown just announces itself loudly and you aren't?" he asks. 

I have to respect him for his honesty. My face burns even brighter red as my heart pulses faster. " was I," I agree. Crush glances at me and I turn my face in embarrassment. 

"Obviously we all were," Banana says formally. "Let's get on with this. We need a plan. If you haven't noticed we've arrived on another day of Freak Week." 

My head spun with confusion as she said we were on the next day. I have managed to embarrass myself in front of crush and injure him--yet I cannot tell him I'm attracted to him. I'm so cliche--sorry Disaster Diary. 

"We have got to make plans of beating Freak Week," Banana stands as tall as an eagle. "This unnatural storm has gone to far! It has to stop once and for all," she exclaims while setting her boot on top of a table. 

"Aye, aye captain!" Marmie responds excitedly while dancing kicking her feet and waving her arms. More of a cowboy-style dance if you ask me. 

"Is it necessary for you to stand on the chair?" Mr. Kevin asks annoyed.

"It feels right. Something is luring me into my position staring up into the sky.'s starting," Banana realizes and jumps down from the table. 

A large gust of wind blows into the school, knocking down Marmie and various school supplies. At first we all scream in joy at the sight, "Marmie can fly!" but then we realize she's just falling. Marmie lands backwards onto Harry. "Hey," she says while winking at him. Harry pushes her off him hastily. "Okay, you can't handle me anyway," she sasses. 

The winds begin to fly around the room at a more rapid pace. Soon the air condenses around Mr. Kevin and me. I feel tears fly from my face as my hair sticks up. My body becomes bare only to be replaced with different material. When the winds leave us I feel myself. My hands slide against silky fabric. I scream as I look in the material. My hair was reaching in the sky in some 19th century-style behemoth tower, with jewelry hanging on the top like a Christmas tree. My shirt and jeans had been morphed into a light blue dress that hung from my shoulders and dragged on the floor. I begin to walk towards Mr. Kevin and trip from the heels that have stolen place from my sneakers. 

As I recover from my embarrassment I walk over to Mr. Kevin to see how he has been affected and I find the group gasping in awe. I watch Mr. Kevin growl as he rises. His tattered clothes have been replaced by a tight purple dress (he actually looks good) and complementary hooped earrings. 

"Looking good!" Marmie laughs and we all glare in response. 

"I can't take this pressure of you kids anymore," he yells, which grabs our attention. "If she won't allow me to have kids with her then I don't want to see any kids," Mr. Kevin raises his hand and a bright light shoots from his finger. The light blasts past the group and burns the wall behind us. We all look back at the wall and scream, "Run!" and we all do. 

We race to through the hallways and stop once our breaths shorten. "Oh my, are we in an anime or something?" Banana asks while panting. 

"I don't know, but we can't stop Freak Week until we stop Mr. Kevin," I respond. I push Harry out of my way as I consume water like a beast, nearly choking--don't judge me Disaster Diary. I pull up my head quickly and smack Marmie in the face with my hair. As I'm about to apologize I notice Crush talking to Harry. I glare at them in jealous curiosity. I hear Harry whisper quietly and Crush grabs his face with aggression. His hands ease to his side as he yells assertively, "You think I'm gay just because I have nail polish on?" She nods awkwardly. "Do you see how messed up that is?" Crush asks.

"Yeah, that's really mean! Makeup doesn't have a gender or sexuality so why label him based off of wearing it?" Banana yells at Harry. Her head nods dramatically, along with Crush. Banana runs behind Crush and they begin a synchronized dance. 

"The whole world thinks that I'm gayyyyyyyyyyy!" he belts while jumping into the air, with Banana at his side. "Who am I to tell them nayyyyyyyyyy?"  

"Every jocky is a hotty," joins the spontaneous opera, "yet, no one tells them notty...a thing about TRUE love!"

"What is love?" Marmie chimes in. I glare at her, "Be a little more original!" my words come out as a song also. Now Freak Week has transformed from musical instruments into a musical?

"I love you!" blasts from Harry's mouth and then mine. The odd thing is there was not much of a difference. We only yelled in opposite directions. We both yelled towards each other. The only person standing in out was was Crush. The singing simultaneously stops that leaves an awkward silence. I stare at Harry who has a mortified look and Crush who looks both out ways in confusion. 

Just as our secrets break free from our mouths the door bursts open breaking the silence. Mr. Kevin struts in like an evil goddess. A duck flies from a hallway adjacent to ours. I notice Marmie look at Mr. Kevin and then look at the duck. Mr. Kevin shook his head in fury. The duck looked at both of them and quacked. They both dove for the duck, but Marmie was closer and snatched him up. Marmie held the duck close to her shoulders as Mr. Kevin propelled himself from the ground. 

His face twisted between anger and fear. Marmie's hands fondle the duck's feathers as Mr. Kevin mutters, "Don't you dare fluff that duck," threateningly. Wind works its way around Mr. Kevin as he stands menacingly. A tear falls from his face as he repeats his threat. "Don't you DARE fluff that duck. That duck was my wife's gift to me," he said dramatically.

"Ex-wife!" I corrected. He glared at me with intensity. "I know!" he screamed as he lifted his finger and pointed it at me. A blinding light shot from his hand. Banana looked worried and jumped in front of me as I screamed at her to stop. It was too late. The light hit Banana in the leg and she thumped on the floor. I cried as I crawled over to her. 

A shadowy figure moved behind Mr. Kevin as I examined Banana. "You kids don't know what real pain is!" Mr. Kevin spouted off angrily. The mannequin from before wheeled in and pummeled Mr. Kevin to the ground, knocking him out. 

Everybody were still in their varied emotions, as mine showed the most. Stunned faces and saddened hearts all tore at our surfaces. The mannequin wheeled towards our group with a hidden speaker revealed on the front of its chest. "I have some secure leads on how to stop Freak Week from EVER happening again. Before that, let's get your friend taken care of."


So far that was our day. I get the chance to write in my diary as we patch up Banana and get prepared for day four. I don't know if we can even trust this...thing. Is it really alive because of Freak Week or is it just controlled by another person. Oh no, I have to go!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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Freak Week Ch.3- Cartoon CatastropheTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon