Kit Walker x Reader

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An asylum? Really? You were a Crime Scene Investigator and had been inspecting the bloodyface murders. You were always first to the scene and always got right into the grimy parts to get details for files. One time, you had seen someone leaving a crime scene and tried to tell your boss but he didn't believe you. After a meeting, men in white clothes dragged you into Briarcliff asylum as they thought you were insane. You weren't insane at all, nor a killer. When you arrived you hid in the corner away from everyone else, an awful french song played over and over again. You get up and rush over when your wrist was grabbed.

"Don't." The boy said, he had short curly hair and deep brown eyes. You looked up at him and stepped back as he let go of your wrist. He sighed and looked at you.

"You don't look like you should be in here, I wouldn't turn the music off, I don't know why but that music box continues to play. I hate it too, don't worry. As long as it plays, the common room stays open." He said, walking over to a couch in the corner of the room with you. You sat down and he sat across from you, you both made small talk until Sister Jude walked in with a cane and pointed it at you.

"You, in my office. Now." She said sternly. You gulped and followed, head down. When you went in she started talking to you about what you had been put in her for an how it was unholy but god would still forgive. You pointed out that you weren't religious at all and she told you to bend over the desk. Not wanting to upset her more, you did as you were told and she moved the hospital uniform away and took out a cane, giving you 30 hits on each side of your ass, not including the two she had done before yelling at you to count. By the end you were a crying mess and was send back to the common room, you went to sit on the couch beside Kit but shrieked slightly and stood up.

"Cane? Here." He put a few pillows and newspapers on the seat. "It won't help but it'll be less sore, how many?" He asked as you sat down, wincing slightly but not much.

"62." You said, sighing. Kit looked confused, it was usually a number that ended with a 0 or a 5. He questioned it and you looked down.

"She hit me twice before yelling at me to count and start again." You said, sighing. He shook his head and appeared angry. Sister Jude was out of order and he wanted it stopped.

After a few weeks at Briarcliff, you, Kit, and some of the more sane members of the asylum had plotted to get rid off Sister Jude once and for all. You started to carry out what you had planned on a movie night when everyone else was distracted. You and Kit got as far as the office when you were grabbed by two of the staff and dragged away to Solitary Confinement. You and Kit had the cell next to each other and the other people who were helping managed to catch her off guard, taking her out silently. When you both awoke the next morning, Sister Mary- Eunice was banging on your doors. You were both informed that Sister Jude had been killed and Sister Mary- Eunice wanted to know who done it. Not having eaten much in the last few weeks, you were very slim and small, the Sister noticing this, made you climb through a hole in the bottom of the door which you fitted through.

After a while of arguing that you both hadn't left the cell all night, Sister Mary- Eunice snapped and dragged you out in front of Kit, who was restrained with a straight jacket. The corrupted nun holding you dragged a pen knife across your throat, you coughed, feeling the blood in your body draining fast. Kit started to cry out for you, trying to get out of the straight jacket but it was too late when he did. He sat by your body and held it after the sister left. One of his only friends had been taken from him.

"K-Kit..." You coughed. "I-I love..." You managed to choke out before your body gave in, going cold and any signs of life were gone. Kit cried into your body, holding you and trying CPR but it was too late. You were gone, until he saw you again in another life.

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