Chapter 1: The Awaking

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For speech I shall use "..."
For thought I shall use '...'
For flashback I shall use ~ABC~

Ruby's P.O.V.
It was soft and warm as I started to wake up, I felt the familiar weight of a blanket on me and I found myself hoping that everything that had happened was just a dream. But from the sounds of raised voices coming from outside my door I realised that it was not.
"Tie she needs to know!" Uncle Qrow shouted.
"No she fucking doesn't I could really fuck her head up" oh no dad was swearing he must really be mad.
The door swung open and Uncle Qrow was the first to notice "hay kid glad to see your awake" he was giving me the usual look of concern and gentle tone he gives me when I get hurt, it always has the power make me feel really good inside. The glare on Dad's face looked like it could kill an Ursa, but he turned to me put on an obviously fake smile and said "It's good to see your finally up you've had us worried this past week."
I could see quite plainly that they had something on there mind that they were nervous to talk about, so I asked "dad what is wrong?"
Dad sat on the end of my bed he had a look of resolve on his face when he started talking. "That dragon thing whatever it is doesn't seem to be dead, don't get me wrong you did a number on it. But... It's not disappearing it's... kind of... frozen. I know that doesn't sound bad but it keeps on attracting more Grimm to the school."
"I did what?" I replied simply
"Hmm?" dad looked really confused
"you said I did a number on it what do you mean?" I was getting mad I could tell dad and Uncle Qrow were keeping things from me and I didn't like it.
"I... Look that's not important right now, we can talk about it later things are just kind of a mess" dad told me looking two parts relieved one part depressed.
Clearly Uncle Qrow had had enough beating around the bush because he snaped "It's always a mess!." He was obviously still mad about what they were yelling about before they came in. He glared straight at dad "mind if we have a minute?"
"what I can't stay hear" dad snaped back.
Uncle Qrow's face suddenly dropped and looked more upset than mad, he held up the notebook he was carrying and asked, no he begged and broke my heart with two words "Tie, please" I've never heard uncle Qrow sound so broken.
Dad stood up and kissed the top of my head, gave off a sigh of defeat and said "I'll go make us some tea." After dad had left and shut the door Uncle Qrow pulled a chair next to my bed, placed the notebook on my nightstand, pulled out his hip-flask and took a big gulp after after settling down he asked, "so... how are you feeling?"
"Umm... I kind of hurt... All over" I chucked.
With that he smiled "that makes sense after what you did."
"you guys keep saying that I did something, what are you taking about?" I replied a slight edge in my tone
Uncle Qrow sighed "what's the last thing you remember?"
"I ran up the side of the tower and when I got to the top I- Pyrrha! Is she?"
"she's gone" he cut me off
I could feel the tears running freely down my face as uncle Qrow warped his arm around me and pulled he into a hug, I gripped his shirt in my hands and let my tears soke into the fabric.
"I got to the top and I saw Pyrrha and Cinder... and then everything went white" Qrow was stroking my hair as that usually calmed me down.
"anything else?" he asked
"I remember my head hurting."
After I had finished crying and Qrow's shirt was soked from my tears he stood up, "I'm gonna go get that tea that Tie was talking about, feel free to join us when ever your ready. Oh and Yang is across the hall if you want to go see her, although don't expect much of a response the medication she is on puts her out like a light" and with that he walked out.

And that's chapter 2, I would like to thank Kitty10o1 for asking me to continue this as I enjoy writing this. I think RoosterTeeth have an amazing series with RWBY, I'll probably stick to the shows cannon but add a few of my theorys and side plots.

Thanks and until next time have fun.

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