Chapter 39 Not possable.

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(Lana's POV)
I was going to head to doctor James after work because we got off early. I need to tell Ari when Jen brings her. "Mom!!" I hear as she runs to me and gives me a hug. "Hey baby! Did you have fun with Jenny" I ask as Jen walks over. "We had a blast!" Jen said then walked off to talk with Colin. "Oh Ari, I won't be able to take you home after work, I need to go to Doctor James  and get a cheek up. I already asked Bex and its fine if you stay with her until I can pick you up later." I csay as we walk over to my trailer.
(Bex's POV)
We finnished shooting today and it was another Oz scene. I love my job but it is a pain in the ass to take the green paint off. "Are you done yet" Ari says while on her phone. "Nope we are going to be here for a while" I say flatly. "Fine .." She sighs.
(Lana's POV)
I am driving down to the office and I was started to get a bit worried. I haven't been to the doctor for a long time. I usually get the cold nothing bad. To get my mind off of everything I put on my 90s hip hop. I finally get to the office. I take a deep breath and walk in. I fill out the forms and wait. I thought I might look up my symptoms to prepare or pretend like I know stuff so I don't look like a complete idiot. Buy the time I was on WebMD I started to get worried. A text from Ari pops up on my screen and a smile comes across my face
A- hey mom hoping that you'll be ok! I'm waiting for Bex to take off the green pain from hell so we can eat🙃Good like and try to to freak out. 🦄

L- awe thanks babe💋 I'm actually looking up my symptoms while I'm waiting😜

A- oh god, mom, tell me you ARNT using WebMD 😑

L- what's wrong with that..😐

A- it's going to tell you you have malaria ir cancer. Something extreme like that 😅 when your probably just tired and stressed 😂😂

L- well I'm being called got to go😂

I walk into the room and I get really quite. Something about this place scares me. I am sitting on the bed thingy on my phone when a young nurse maybe 23 walks in. "Mrs. DiBlasio?" She asks. "Yep that's me" I say back. "I need to ask you some questions before the doctor gets in" she says. "Shoot" I say. "Explain to be how you have been feeling." She says while frantically writing stuff down. "Well, I've been very tired and moody. Also I cry for no reason. I also get extre dizzy spell and I haven't feels good for a couple weeks." I say trying to remember all that I can. " when was you last period" she asks not looking up from her writing. "Um.. Well it's been a while I actually can't remember.. A couple of months ago. We started shooting agin and I've been so buddy and stressed it hasn't came." I say blushing a bit. "Ok I just need to check your blood pressure and temperature." The young nurse says while she gets up. "Well your temperature is normal and you blood pressure is perfect. Let me go get the doctor now." She says with a smile. I go on my Twitter and text Fred to plan on ordering out tonight. But the the doctor walked in. "Lana! It's been a while, how's the family, how's the show" he asks. With a rich chuckle. "Everybody is fine except for me that why I'm here. I didn't come for a cup of coffee and a chat" I snap. "Still feisty as every  I see" he laughs. "I'm-I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with me I'm acting so different. At first I though it was stress, but then I got super picky all the sudden. And dizzy as hell." I stated. "Have you been sexually active with your husband lately" he ask. I blush, then respond. "Yes, we  um have been active." He looks at me then takes some blood samples. He asks me some more questions and we then talk about the show. He says he will call in a few hours when the results comeback. I drive to pick up Ari and we then head home.
"So what did he doc say" she said when in the car. "She didn't say to much, just took lots of different tests and I will get my results back soon." I reply. We then order pizza and watch Netflix as a while family. About 3hours later I get a call from the doctor

D- hey Lana it's James! We got your tests back and you passed them! aren't sick with mono or cancer, nothing big like that." He said.  "So is it just stress, am I over reacting again." I sigh. "Well you don't have any sicknesses, I would suggest that you take a pregnancy test." "A WHAT " I yell. "I'm looking at your file and from what you were saying you have all the symptoms. Unusual eating habits, drastic mood swings, dizziness, light weight gain." He states. "But I can't have kids, the last doctor said that it's isn't possible" I gasp. "Well Ma'm just check, doctors make mistakes to." He adds. "I will thank you" I say then hang up. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up so I won't tell them. I head back to watch another movie. When everyone when to sleep I when to RideAid to pick up a couple of tests. I then rush home and into the bathroom. I take a deep breath and look at the sticks. I got more then one to double check. I look and see two red lines. "Oh my god" I gasp. I look and check the other one. Two lines. I'm- im pregnant. I throw them away and sit on the bathroom floor crying. I was just so over joyed. How will I tell Fred.. "Hey honey I apparently I can get pregnant so when we last fucked we make a baby" that would definitely not work. I head to bed with a big smile. I'm going to be a momma. This is going to be MY child. Well our child, but this will be the first kid in the family that will come from me. With this thought I fall asleep with a smile.

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