Crowley to dean

695 59 6

<to dean

Hello you.

<from dean

Who is this?

<to dean

Your very good friend

<from dean

Cas did you get a new number?

<to dean

Excuse me? You think I am just a weak Angel?! How dare you! Ill burn you. Both off you

<from dean

Hey Crowley

And castiel is not weak!

And don't you dare to touch him!

<to dean

Oh you're so protective for someone who Is just a friend. You lost way more friends already why id this one so special?

<from dean

Okay first. RUDE
And second it is none off your business. Now what do you want from Me?

<to dean

I just wanted to have a nice chat...

Before I kill you ☺

<from dean

Why would you?

<to dean

Stop asking all those questions youre so annoying!!!

<from dean

Me? Annoying? How come?

<to dean

Winchester. Stop. You're getting on my nerves.

<from Dean

Oh really?

<to dean

Okay thars it. I'm gonna get my anti stress massage and then I'll kill you

Good day

<from dean


And then they call me gay. Wow

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