??? to Dean

276 21 5

<to Winchester 1.

Hello Dean. I heard you are close

<from Winchester 1.

What? Who is this?

Gabriel if this is another joke of you again I'll kill you

<to Winchester 1

Like your little boyfriend?

<from Winchester 1.

Castiel isn't dead!

<to Winchester 1

How are you so sure?

Aren't you going crazy? You're the only one believing your own truth Winchester...

<from Winchester 1

That proves yet again that I'm smarter then the rest.

Who is this?

<to Winchester 1.

That's not important

<from Winchester 1.

Then how do you have my phone number? How do you know my name and how do you know about Cas?

<to Winchester 1

Don't get me wrong Dean.

I'm a fan I know everything

<from Winchester 1

You sound like a stalker

<to Winchester 1

Oh no you're totally getting me wrong there.

Anyway what are you doing so far from home?

<from Winchester 1

Home? Deal hunters don't have a home

<to Winchester 1.

Then what about your brother? Doesn't that feel like home?

<from Winchester 1

What do you want from me dude?

<to Winchester 1

I don't want anything from you.. you want stuff from me

<from Winchester 1.

Oh really?

Trust me I'm a good hunter I've got everything I need

<to Winchester 1

No you don't

<from Winchester 1

So what now? I have to guess what you have for me and then say no anyway?

<to Winchester 1

Trust me on this Winchester... you need me

<from Winchester 1

Are you human?

<to Winchester 1

Is any of us actually human?

<from Winchester 1

Okay you're getting creepy dude bye

<to Winchester 1

Don't go

<from Winchester 1

Why not?

<to Winchester 1

Be a smart boy Dean.

<from Winchester 1

Just leave me alone!

<to Winchester 1

You won't find him

Trust me on this. Just lose your hopes already

<from Winchester 1


<to Winchester 1

Our paths will cross again Winchester.

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