Dean to cas

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<to cas

Hey cas how are ya

<from. Cas

Hi dean, I am alright thank you for asking.

<to cas

No problem buddy

<from cas



What's up? ;)

<to cas

Aw you're learning so fast!

<from cas

Thanks dean.

<to cas

Yeah I just wanted to talk to one of my best friends

<from cas

I am your best friend? I remember the first time we met you tried to kill me.

<to cas

That we're different times

<from cas

Alright then. But it's nice being your friend dean

<to cas

Yeah yeah anyway what are you doing tonight?

<from cas

Well most of the time I eat with you guys, we. " hang around " a bit and I watch you guys sleep to be sure you're alright and then I go to heaven see if I can do stuff there, why?

<to cas

Okay so no plans huh

<from cas

No dean

<to cas

That's great!

<from cas

How is that great?

<to cas

Then we can go do something tonight, if you want to of course

<from cas

Yeah sure. What were you thinking off?

<to cas

Eh how about we go out for dinner and then we can go see. A movie in the cinema

<from cas

Sounds like a good thought out plan to me

<to cas

So should I pick you up somewhere or what?

<from cas

Eh I will be there

<to cas

Okay when?

<from cas

Tonight right?

<to cas

Yes but what time 😂

<from cas
Oh . I don't know

<to cas

How about 6:30?

<from cas

Okay then, I will see you then

<to cas

I will 😁😊

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