cas to dean

564 52 3

<To dean

I've made a decision.

<from dean

Tell me angelboy

<to dean

I do Like this more then normally talking to you.🍐

<from dean

Eh okay

And why the pear?

<to dean

' cause I can '

<from dean

Are you trying to be cool now?

<to dean

No I've heard people talk about this.they call it ' jipster ' and they say it makes people attractive so I wanna make you attractive by being jipster

<from dean

Right... okay cassie
1. It's called hipster
2. They probably mean it makes the people who act like it attractive
3. And I AM attractive

<to dean

Then you should become hipper

<from dean

Hipster cas... Hipster

<to dean

Whatever you want. Dude

<from dean

No don't do that please it's really weird

<to dean

I'm sorry dean. Forgive me?

<from dean

Oh it's fine man just come over here

<to dean

Okay I'm on my way to you now.

I'm here now.

<from dean

Yeah I noticed that

<to dean


<from dean

You can stop texting me now...

<to dean

But I like it

<from dean

If you like it or not I'm gonna talk to you now...

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